Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs Reports Progress Under PMAY-U: 118.64 Lakh Houses Sanctioned

‘Land’ and ‘Colonization’ are State subjects. Therefore, schemes related to housing for their citizens are implemented by States/Union Territories (UTs). However, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs supplements the efforts of States/UTs by providing Central assistance under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Urban (PMAY-U) since 25.06.2015 to provide pucca houses with basic civic amenities to all eligible urban beneficiaries including poor people across the country.

PMAY-U is a demand driven scheme and Government of India has not fixed any target for construction of houses. Based on the project proposals submitted by States/ UTs, as on 22.07.2024, 118.64 lakh houses have been sanctioned under PMAY-U. Of the sanctioned houses, 114.33 lakh have been grounded for construction; of which 85.04 lakh have been completed/delivered to beneficiaries. The sanctioned houses involve Central assistance of ₹ 2.00 lakh crore (approx.) against which, ₹ 1.64 lakh crore has been released so far. State/UT-wise details of houses sanctioned, grounded, completed and occupied along with Central assistance sanctioned and released since inception of PMAY-U are at Annexure-I. State/ UT wise details of houses completed and occupied during current financial year along with houses occupied during each of the last three years under PMAY-U are at Annexure-II.

The scheme period, which was earlier upto 31.03.2022, has been extended upto 31.12.2024, except for Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) vertical of the scheme, to complete all the houses sanctioned without changing the funding pattern and implementation methodology.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Housing & Urban Affairs, Shri Tokhan Sahu, in a written reply in the Lok Sabha today.

Annexure I

State-wise details of houses sanctioned, grounded, completed and occupied along with Central Assistance approved and released since its inception under of PMAY-U

S. No.   Name of the



Physical Progress of Houses (Nos.) Financial Progress in respect of Central Assistance (₹ in crore)
Sanctioned Grounded Completed  


Approved  Released
1 States Andhra Pradesh 21,37,028 19,90,937 9,73,837 8,75,913 32,568.27 23,800.26
2 Bihar 3,14,477 3,05,811 1,47,979 1,47,979 4,950.45 3,368.00
3 Chhattisgarh 3,02,663 2,89,128 2,38,894 2,16,655 4,810.98 4,088.81
4 Goa 3,146 3,146 3,145 3,145 74.76 75.04
5 Gujarat 10,05,204 9,83,778 9,18,185 8,74,699 21,064.34 19,805.76
6 Haryana 1,15,034 93,153 68,114 68,114 2,171.64 1,673.50
7 Himachal Pradesh 12,758 12,668 10,705 10,653 215.95 202.02
8 Jharkhand 2,29,156 2,13,534 1,42,810 1,39,893 3,603.31 2,987.87
9 Karnataka 6,38,121 5,73,160 3,69,449 2,97,655 10,614.43 7,168.29
10 Kerala 1,67,322 1,47,721 1,23,453 1,23,352 2,781.18 2,293.45
11 Madhya Pradesh 9,61,147 9,49,265 8,01,068 7,89,875 15,930.45 15,284.69
12 Maharashtra 13,64,923 11,16,949 8,55,339 7,86,399 25,548.21 19,323.37
13 Odisha 2,03,380 1,80,647 1,47,148 1,43,608 3,176.98 2,479.75
14 Punjab 1,32,235 1,16,264 83,894 83,842 2,342.54 1,825.79
15 Rajasthan 3,19,863 2,64,357 1,91,971 1,84,966 5,891.46 4,693.97
16 Tamil Nadu 6,80,347 6,63,430 5,70,294 5,16,225 11,185.30 10,135.67
17 Telangana 2,50,084 2,44,219 2,24,659 1,64,862 4,475.66 3,718.27
18 Uttar Pradesh 17,76,823 17,33,051 15,47,101 15,18,668 27,962.68 26,065.17
19 Uttarakhand 64,391 60,160 34,504 33,560 1,176.51 940.86
20 West Bengal 6,68,953 6,12,998 4,00,257 4,00,161 10,773.50 7,675.93
Sub-total (States) 1,13,47,055 1,05,54,376 78,52,806 73,80,224 1,91,318.59 1,57,606.50
21 North East States Arunachal Pradesh 8,499 8,070 7,753 6,217 182.38 161.18
22 Assam 1,76,643 1,60,473 1,02,712 1,02,712 2,674.26 2,065.73
23 Manipur 56,037 48,657 14,699 14,699 841.39 471.91
24 Meghalaya 4,758 3,793 1,632 1,632 72.35 43.31
25 Mizoram 39,605 39,215 11,069 11,069 607.8 447.22
26 Nagaland 31,860 31,841 22,850 22,818 503.91 393.41
27 Sikkim 316 316 202 202 6.13 7.09
28 Tripura 92,854 84,751 74,049 74,049 1,494.35 1,273.47
Sub-total (N.E. States) 4,10,572 3,77,116 2,34,966   2,33,398 6,382.57 4,863.31
29 Union Territories A&N Islands 376 376 47 47 5.84 2.93
30 Chandigarh 1,256 1,256 1,256 1,256 28.78 28.78
31 D&NH and D&D 9,947 9,947 9,230 7,992 214.4 200.27
32 Delhi 29,976 29,976 29,976 29,976 692.53 692.53
33 J&K 47,040 42,894 24,244 24,244 724.94 483.48
34 Ladakh 1,307 1,014 843 843 30.22 24.05
35 Lakshadweep
36 Puducherry 15,995 15,271 9,994 9,994 254.12 223.19
Sub-total (UTs) 1,05,897 1,00,734 75,590 74,352 1,950.84 1,655.23
Grand Total 118.64 Lakh 114.33 Lakh* 85.04 Lakh* 81.67 lakh* 2.00

Lakh Cr.

1.64 Lakh Cr.
* Includes grounded (4.01 lakh)/ completed (3.41 lakh)/ occupied (4.80 lakh) houses of JnNURM during mission period.


Annexure II

State/UT-wise details of houses completed and occupied during current financial year along with houses occupied during each of the last three years under PMAY-U

Sr. No.   Name of the State/ UT Houses Completed
in Current Financial Year
Houses Occupied
in Current Financial Year*
Houses Occupied
in FY 2021-22
Houses Occupied
in FY 2022-23
Houses Occupied
in FY 2023-24
Total houses Occupied
during last three Financial Years
1 States Andhra Pradesh 19,747 29,111 47,712 2,95,316 2,79,115 6,22,143
2 Bihar 27,719 27,719 13,026 22,692 11,484 47,202
3 Chhattisgarh 18,976 18,860 9,884 37,137 37,755 84,776
4 Goa 1 1 309 331 640
5 Gujarat 15,040 23,168 1,59,468 1,86,112 38,148 3,83,728
6 Haryana 773 773 7,031 13,508 3,773 24,312
7 Himachal Pradesh 578 578 1,682 2,155 951 4,788
8 Jharkhand 2,590 2,460 10,681 14,894 16,153 41,728
9 Karnataka 30,878 4,674 38,480 28,472 17,119 84,071
10 Kerala 2,180 2,236 8,001 14,788 8,189 30,978
11 Madhya Pradesh 31,718 33,230 63,815 1,76,673 1,10,408 3,50,896
12 Maharashtra 15,550 26,895 1,36,632 1,59,876 44,532 3,41,040
13 Odisha 4,392 4,392 10,350 27,481 12,846 50,677
14 Punjab 1,837 1,837 10,328 23,131 9,098 42,557
15 Rajasthan 9,447 9,063 32,094 36,465 12,280 80,839
16 Tamil Nadu 8,088 8,360 41,091 81,438 43,269 1,65,798
17 Telangana 176 40,929 11,554 18,329 24,606 54,489
18 Uttar Pradesh 89,377 89,377 2,70,305 2,00,284 1,86,706 6,57,295
19 Uttarakhand 849 817 5,473 4,329 4,402 14,204
20 West Bengal 5,786 5,786 23,706 81,647 50,663 1,56,016
Sub- total (States) :- 2,85,702 3,30,266 9,01,622 14,25,058 9,11,497 32,38,177
21 North East States Arunachal Pradesh 327 327 556 1,657 1,498 3,711
22 Assam 3,421 3,421 15,682 36,483 19,543 71,708
23 Manipur 994 994 430 5,690 2,934 9,054
24 Meghalaya 384 384 265 430 144 839
25 Mizoram 2,501 2,501 1,026 1,518 1,927 4,471
26 Nagaland 3,486 3,486 2,692 6,427 7,344 16,463
27 Sikkim 37 19 56
28 Tripura 2,498 2,498 2,814 7,369 8,695 18,878
Sub- total (N.E. States) :- 13,611 13,611 23,502 59,593 42,085 1,25,180
29 Union Territories A&N Island 1 3 4
30 Chandigarh 141 128 269
31 DNH & DD 50 50 1,193 1,463 101 2,757
32 Delhi 1,807 2,669 4,476
33 J&K 2,478 2,478 3,828 6,622 3,626 14,076
34 Ladakh 55 55 132 106 139 377
35 Lakshadweep
36 Puducherry 549 549 1,073 2,032 1,270 4,375
Sub- total (UT) :- 3,132 3,132 8,175 13,023 5,136 26,334
Grand Total  :- 3,02,445 3,47,009* 9,33,299 14,97,674 9,58,718 33,89,691

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