Special Campaign 4.0 implementation in full flow in the Department of Posts

The Special Campaign 4.0 being implemented from 2-31 October 2024 has reached the halfway markin the Department of Posts. The Department has adopted 100% saturation, institutionalization and internalization of the underlying values of Swachhata and service delivery excellence as the guiding principles of the campaign to achieve its targets in a sustainable manner. Apart from cleanliness and improvement of the physical work environment for both employees and customers, other focus areas of the Campaign include effective disposal of public grievances, disposal of scrap and freeing up of space, record management and weeding out of files and effective disposal of important pending matters and references.

During the two weeks gone by, the Campaign has seen enthusiastic participation from the officials of DoP across the network. During the period 02-15 October 2024, the Department has conducted cleanliness campaigns at 76,408 sites out of the target of 1,00,000 sites.36,738 physical files have been reviewed out of the set target of 90,000 files. Space of about 26,297 sq. ft. has been freed by removing junk/obsolete items.

In addition to the above, 42,712 public grievances have been resolved and the target is to reach up to the figure of 80,000. The target of 239 Public Grievance appeals has already been achieved during the campaign period. A total of 34,588 redundant files have been weeded out and closed. It is also worth mentioning  that a revenue amounting to ₹ 21,27,132 has been generated from scrap disposal including ₹9,60,313/- generated by MMS,Naraina, Delhi.

The progress has been satisfactory as this period also saw various customer outreach and stakeholder engagement activities as part of the National Postal Week observed from 9-15 October 2024.

In the remaining period of the Special Campaign 4.0 from 16 to 31 October 2024, the focus will be on the following activities:

  • Wall Artsin Post OfficeBuildings
  • Signages, beautification, cleaning, basic amenities etc in prominent post offices
  • Upkeep of assets like letter boxes, PO boxes, kiosks, ATMs, mail office infra.
  • Special Cleaning activities to cover the entire network including   RMS, Mail Motor Workshops/Offices/Parcel hubs, Inspection Quarters and holiday homes, Canteen, crèche.
  • Scrap disposal, including items like old gensets, air conditioners, other scrap

Renovation and restoration of counter hall Chennai GPO, Tamil Nadu:

Redesigned DakNiryat Kendra at Pondicherry:

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