“Understanding the Concept of LiFE” side event held at India Pavilion at COP 27, Sharm El-Sheikh

New Delhi : “Understanding the Concept of LiFE” a side event was held at India Pavilion at COP 27, today. It was jointly hosted by India and United Nations (UN in India). Shri Bhupender Yadav, Union Minister for Environment Forest and Climate Change, Ms Inger Andersen, Executive Secretary, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Mr Ovais Sarmad, Deputy Executive Secretary, UNFCCC, Lord Nicholas Stern, IG Patel Chair of Economics and Government, London School of Economics and Ms Usha Rao-Monari, Associate Administrator, UNDP and other dignitaries from across the world participated in the event.



Shri Bhupender Yadav along with other dignitaries releasing the Prayaas se Prabhaav Tak compemdium

During the event the MoEFCC – UNDP Compendium ‘Prayaas Se Prabhaav Tak – From Mindless Consumption to Mindful Utilization’ was launched. The compendium highlights traditional best practices from India the embody the ethos of LiFE on the following areas, and highlights key behaviour change frameworks that

  • Responsible Consumption by taking only as much as is needed, using products to the end of their lives, and repurposing or recycling whatever is left over.
  • Circular Economy to improve resource efficiency, minimize waste and emissions to reduce the carbon footprint and improve ecological handprint.
  • Living in Harmony with Nature by practising the philosophy of ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam’ (the World in One Family) and living a life with compassion for all living beings.
  • Sustainable Resource Management through mindful and deliberate utilisation of the available resources and to reduce overconsumption and promote equitable access to resources.
  • Coexistence and Cooperation among countries and communities through the promotion of science and innovation, knowledge exchange, dissemination of best practices, and conservation of traditional knowledge systems.


It proposes a LiFE framework to guide, governments, institutions, and societies to move towards mindful utilization of resources.

Speaking at the event, Shri Bhupender Yadav said:

“We are at a critical juncture in our common fight against climate change, a juncture which requires not just government effort but contribution from all stakeholders, each individual, towards ensuring a sustainable and equitable planet. The mantra of LiFE, Life style for environment given by Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi places individual contribution at the centre stage to find solution to problems posed by climate change.

Both Egypt and India are examples of centuries old civilisations that have sustainable lifestyle practices embedded in their culture and traditions. India under the visionary leadership of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has demonstrated to the globe that protecting environment remains the cornerstone in the policy making process of India. On 20th October this year, Mission LiFE was launched by the Prime Minister in the presence of UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres.

I would like to take this opportunity to speak about Mission LIFE, a global mass movement which promotes environmentally conscious lifestyle at individual level. Mahatma Gandhi had said, and I quote

The world has enough for everyone’s needs but not everyone’s greed”.

Mission LiFE is a movement which focusses on mindful and deliberate utilisation of resources in place of mindless and wasteful consumption. This is to protect and preserve the environment and more importantly it is a movement which has inclusivity in its spirit making every individual a trustee of our environment.

We must understand that climate change goes beyond just policy making and its effects transcend geopolitical borders. Mission LiFE makes the fight against climate change democratic, in which everyone can contribute within their capacity.

It inspires us to do all that can be done in our everyday life to protect the environment, as stated by our Prime Minister. I am happy to release the compendium “Prayas se Prabhaav tak” today in this august gathering, which means efforts translating into impact, a philosophy that guides the policy making process under the able leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.

I call upon world leaders and global citizens to embrace the philosophy of LiFE and extend their support to be the change that they wish to see in the world.  The luxury to pass the buck is no longer there. As our Prime Minister had said and I would like to quote

“In our daily life choices, let us pick the most sustainable options. Our planet is one, but our efforts have to be many – One Earth, many efforts. India stands ready to support any effort for a better environment and to further global wellness”

With these words, I would like to thank you for coming out today and make this event a success.”

For more information on Mission LiFE click here.

For full text of Minister’s speech click here.

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