Breaking the Silence: Ravenshaw University Radio’s Raw and Real Approach to Community Broadcasting

By Swagat Sourav Sahoo

Community radio is a vital platform that empowers local voices and fosters community engagement by providing a space for diverse perspectives and grassroots communication. Unlike commercial or national broadcasters, community radio stations are typically run by volunteers and focus on content relevant to their specific community. Inaugurated in 2011, Ravenshaw University Radio marked a pioneering milestone in Odisha’s media landscape. The station was founded with the primary objectives of giving students a forum for expression and promoting instructional programming. Still, it soon rose to prominence as a hub for creativity and community involvement. Ravenshaw University Radio is housed in the Millenium city of Cuttack and has a strong connection to the rich cultural and educational past of the area, reflecting the intellectual energy that has long been a defining feature of this area.

Over the years, Ravenshaw University Radio has celebrated numerous milestones that highlight its growing influence. From its first broadcast, which was met with enthusiastic reception, to hosting significant educational forums, the station has consistently pushed boundaries. One of the major achievements includes the annual “Ravenshaw Debates,” which has attracted prominent speakers from various fields and has become a cornerstone event. Other notable broadcasts have featured interviews with distinguished alumni, discussions on contemporary issues, and special programs celebrating Odisha’s heritage. In the present times, another such event has come forward as the cornerstone in Ravenshaw’s pursuit of talent. “The Walkman” conducted by Ravenshaw Radio isn’t just an event; it’s a celestial alignment of artistic energies, where Ravenshaw Radio 90.4 FM unfurls its magical carpet of creativity, inviting the students to dance along the frequencies of cultural fusion and spirited expression. This open-mic and cultural spectacle is not just an event; it’s a pulsating kaleidoscope of talent that turns the campus into a stage where every student becomes a star. The students are free to choose any category that they want to perform and are allowed to showcase their talent to the whole university.


“The primary stakeholders are university students who collaborate across various sections to educate the community and themselves. By producing shows on sensitive and general interest topics, Ravenshaw Radio ensures its content is never monotonous. Instead, it stimulates critical thinking through an amalgamation of a diverse range of new and often untouched subjects.” Said the professor in charge of Ravenshaw Radio Dushmanta Kumar Das when asked about what he would like the people to know about Ravenshaw Radio.
Ravenshaw University Radio has provided students with hands-on media and communication experience, which has had a significant positive impact on their educational growth. Through their hands-on involvement at the station, several students have refined their abilities in technical operations, public speaking, and journalism. In addition, the radio station has been crucial in encouraging community involvement. It has aired programming on social justice, environmental preservation, and public health to address local issues. During the 2014 cyclone Phailin, the station played a significant role in providing affected locals with critical information and support, exemplifying community involvement. Programs that highlight regional artists, customs, and leaders in the community have also improved the relationship between the university and the community. When asked about the importance of Ravenshaw radio and how it is helpful for him, Fida Rasul Baig a second-year student mentioned his enriching experiences. “It’s not just about learning the technical aspects of broadcasting, but also about understanding the power of media in shaping opinions and fostering connections. Being part of the radio team has allowed me to collaborate with diverse groups of people, address important issues, and contribute to the university’s vibrant culture. It’s a blend of education and practical experience that I believe will be invaluable throughout my academic journey and beyond.” he said.


At its inception, Ravenshaw University Radio operated with a basic technical setup and facilities. Challenges such as limited equipment and technical glitches were common, but the team’s determination propelled the station forward. Today, the contrast is stark; the station boasts state-of-the-art broadcasting equipment, a soundproof studio, and advanced editing software, reflecting significant technological advancements over the years. Continuous upgrades and innovations have significantly enhanced broadcasting quality and reach. Social media integration has also played a crucial role in engaging with listeners and keeping them informed about upcoming programs and events. These advancements have transformed Ravenshaw University Radio into a modern, dynamic platform that stays relevant in the digital age. “I see our station as a crucial part of campus life. It serves as a hub for communication, allowing students to stay informed about university events, news, and opportunities. Beyond that, it provides a creative outlet where we can share our music, stories, and perspectives, fostering a sense of belonging and community.” Said Sabyasachi Sahoo, a 3rd year student at Ravenshaw University.

Interviews with current RJs and content curators highlight the passion and dedication that drive the station. RJ Amllan, a final-year student, described the process of creating content as both challenging and rewarding. “Ravenshaw Radio is more than just a campus-community radio station; it serves as a vital educational and informative platform, tackling unconventional issues and societal matters. It is student-oriented, inspiring young RJs and scriptwriters while fostering talents and interests,” he said when asked about the significance of Ravenshaw Radio in the already flourishing environment of Ravenshaw University.
As the first campus community radio in the region, it stands as a testament to the power of voice, echoing the collective spirit of a dynamic student body. It amplifies the voices of students, faculty, and the local community alike, turning the airwaves into a democratic podium where everyone has a chance to be heard. It’s a sonic bridge that connects generations, uniting the past, present, and future in a harmonious dialogue.

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