9.1% increase in Foreign Tourist Arrivals during January-May, 2024

The Ministry of Tourism has released the tourism statistics for May. The highlights of which is given below:

Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in May, 2024 were 6.00 lakh as compared to 5.98 lakh in May, 2023 registering a growth of 0.3% with respect to 2023.
FTAs during the period January- May, 2024 were 40.72 lakh as compared to 37.32 lakh in January-May 2023 registering a growth of 9.1% with respect to 2023.
Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) during the month of May 2024 were Rs.17,762 crores as compared to Rs.17,206 crores in May 2023 registering a growth of 3.23% with respect to 2023.
FEEs during the period January- May 2024 were Rs.1,08,362 crores as compared to Rs.88,441 crores in January-May 2023 registering a growth of 22.52% with respect to 2023.
The trends highlighted indicate a positive impact on the overall economic growth and development of the tourism sector in the country. The data shows a consistent increase in Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) and Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) suggesting a robust and expanding tourism industry.


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