Steel Authority of India’s CSR Impact: Financial Details of Projects in Singhbhum Parliamentary Constituency

Details of expenditures incurred on CSR projects undertaken by Steel Authority of India Limited(SAIL) in West Singhbhum district area under Singhbhum Parliamentary Constituency (ST) during the last five years has been provided in terms of the activities detailed under Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013:-

S.No. SAIL CSR Projects as per Companies Act and Rules & Schedule-VII SAIL CSR expenditure incurred duringF.Y. 2019-20 to F.Y. 2023-24

(in Rs./crores approx)*

Education 18.06
Healthcare 8.02
Sports 4.39
Livelihood Generation/Skill Development 2.32
Capacity Building

(Administrative Overheads)

Rural  Development 1.35
Women Empowerment 1.01
Environment Sustainability 0.33
Social Security (Sr.Citizens&PwDs) 0.21
Drinking Water 0.15
Art & Culture 0.12
Project Identification 0.10
Sanitation 0.07
  TOTAL 37.65


* Includes funds transferred to unspent CSR account in 2022-23 and  2023-24 as required under Section 135(6) of the Companies Act, 2013.

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