PM Modi asks challenges CM Naveen Patnaik to name the districts of Odisha without seeing any piece of paper

Bhubaneswar:  Naveen Babu has been in power in Odisha for over two decades. Can he, without holding any piece of paper, utter the names of the districts and their HQs? PM Modi’s challenge to Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik .

“Naveen Babu, you have been the Chief Minister of Odisha for long; still, why the people of Odisha are not happy with you…,” PM Modi asks Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik while challenging the Chief Minister to name the districts of Odisha without seeing any piece of paper.

How far will he (CM Naveen) be able to understand the pain and suffering of the people of Odisha when he doesn’t even know names of the districts, says PM Modi in  Phulbani.

Odisha has vast opportunities for the tourism sector to flourish. And, the tourism sector usually has a spillover effect on the overall economy of the region. Your state govt is not willing to trust your capabilities due to which your development remains stunted says PM Modi in  Phulbani.

BJD and Congress had declared Kandhamal as a Backward District. Modi decided to turn such Backward Districts into Aspirational Districts of the country. I monitor the work being done in these districts regularly says PM Modi in  Phulbani.

I am from a poor family, so I empathise with your plight. I work relentlessly day in and day out to uplift your living conditions. I have helped 25 crore people to move out of poverty. I will not be content till all the poor are uplifted says PM Modi in  Phulbani.

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