Odisha Technocrat helping his Village and nearby people during this lockdown

Bolangir: Due to Novel Coronavirus/SARS-CoV2 pandamic whole world is on suffering.
There is a concern around the
world about economic fallout and it’s impact on our daily livelihood. Every single country taking their own measures to minimize the effect of COVID-19. In India whole country is under lockdown since 22 March 2020. One way we are saving the country from this dreaded disease on other hand we are fighting with our poverty. Many daily wagers as well as old age people who are suffering most due to this. Govt. is trying all its effort to help people but somehow at somewhere the ground reality is bit different.

Looking at this scenario one person named Omkarnath S Rath who is lockdown in his village in Balangir District of Odisha tried to help the needy people in his and nearby villages. With the help of Team BR, few friends and family members he is trying to help single living old age lady/man who doesn’t have access to most of the Govt. Schemes or the facilities are not adequate for their livelihood. A basic ration package includes Rice, Lentils, vegitables, cooking oil, daily need items, mask, dry food and few cash is already distributed to 40 families and he is hoping to keep it continue until lockdown is lifted. It was seen during Cyclone Fani also he has solely generated and distributed relief worth around 2.7 Lac around Bhubanswar and few villages in interior puri district. As per him helping people in need is the most nobel job assigned to human being by almighty.

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