Narcotics Control Bureau Releases Comprehensive Guidance Booklet on Disposal of Seized Drugs

Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) has published a guidance booklet encompassing all the legal provisions as well as judgments of Hon’ble Supreme Court and High Courts relating to disposal of drugs and other seized items. The same has been uploaded at Narco Coordination (NCORD) portal for easy access by the Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (DLEAs).

Quantum of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances disposed during the last three years as reported by various DLEAs to NCB is as under:


Year Qty

(in Kg)


(in pieces)

Tablets (in pieces) Injections (in ampules) Total Approx. Qty. in Kg
2021 131294 95222 4178623 6192 139597


2022 755091 1287175 20922799 46387 865547


2023 634604 1496399 4342987 3367 762015


Source: NCB


The year-wise destruction of illegal cultivation of Cannabis (Ganja) and Opium during last three years as reported by various DLEAs to NCB is as under:

Crop 2021

(in acre)


(in acre)


(in acre)

Opium 11,027 13,796 31,786


Cannabis 34,866 26,266 22,507


Source: NCB

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