Ministry of Environment Implements Strict Ban on Polythene Bags

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has notified the Plastic Waste Management Amendment Rules, 2021, on 12th August 2021, prohibiting identified single use plastic items, which have low utility and high littering potential, with effect from 1st July  2022. The manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of plastic carry bags having thickness less than thickness of one hundred and twenty microns is also prohibited with effect from 31st December, 2022. Non-woven plastic carry bags of less than 60 gram per sqm (GSM) are also prohibited from 30th September 2021. Further, over and above the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, as amended, States/UTs have issued notifications/orders to introduce regulations pertaining to complete or partial ban on plastic carry bags and/or identified single-use plastic items. The details are annexed.

The following steps have been taken to strengthen implementation of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 and to implement ban on identified single use plastic items:

(i)        All thirty-six States/UTs have constituted the Special Task Force under the chairpersonship of the Chief Secretary / Administrator for elimination of identified single use plastic items and effective plastic waste management. A National Level Taskforce has also been constituted by the Ministry for taking coordinated efforts to eliminate identified single use plastic items and effective implementation of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016.

(ii)       Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 have already been issued to plastic raw material manufacturers for not supplying raw material for manufacture of banned single use plastic items and plastic carry bags having thickness less than thickness of one hundred and twenty microns.

(iii) For effective monitoring of ban on identified single use plastic items and plastic waste management the following online platforms are in operation (a) National Dashboard on for monitoring of comprehensive action plan implementation, (b) CPCB Monitoring Module for Compliance on Elimination of Single Use Plastic, and (c) CPCB Grievance Redressal App.

(iv)      Pan India enforcement campaigns have been undertaken for implementation of ban on identified single use plastic items since July 2022 by CPCB, SPCBs/PCCs and local authorities. As per available information, during enforcement campaigns, a total of 853832 inspections have been carried out, of which violations were detected in 344689 cases, approximately fine of Rs. 19,05,13,471/- was imposed and 19,49,535 kg. of plastic was seized.

(v)       States and Union Territories have been asked to undertake regular enforcement drives to implement ban on identified single use plastic items and on plastic carry bags having thickness less than one hundred twenty microns covering fruit and vegetable markets, wholesale markets, local markets, flower vendors, units manufacturing plastic carry bags etc.

(vi)      The Departments of Science and Technology and Biotechnology support research projects for alternatives to banned single-use plastic items, as per scheme guidelines. The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises has schemes to provide support to MSME units, which include support to such units which were earlier involved in manufacturing of banned single use plastic items for switching over to alternatives / other products.


Notification for banning manufacture, use, sale import and handling of Plastic carry bags/items

(Based on the data available in Annual reports submitted by SPCBs/PCCs)



Name of   State/UT Complete or Partial


Executive order Date and No. Remarks
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Complete ban Date: 02.08.2010


Notification No.: 202

Complete ban on manufacture, store, import, distribution, transportation, recycle, sell & use of plastic


2 Andhra Pradesh   Not available Certain Urban Local Bodies like Tadipatri, Vijayawada, Tirupati & Bobbili have put Ban on Plastic carry bags irrespective of their thickness. All local bodies have taken stand on ban on their  own.
3 Arunachal Pradesh Partial ban Date: 16.07.2019


Notification No.: FOR.129/E(A)/2019/1271 3-60

Complete ban on manufacture, store, stock, sale of plastic <50 microns.
4 Assam   Notification not available  
5 Bihar Complete ban Date: 24.10.2018

Notifications No. 943

(urban)Dated 11.12.2018

Notification 1043

Complete ban on manufacture, store, import, distribution, transportation, recycle, sell & use of plastic carrybags (irrespective

Of thickness)

6 Chandigarh Complete ban Notification No. ED/2019/1648

Dated 27.09.2019

Complete ban on manufacture, storage, import, sale, use transportation & disposal of plastic items
7 Chhattisgarh Complete ban Notification F 5-7/18/2011 Complete ban on manufacture, store,
      dated 24.12.2014 (Gazette)


Date: 27-09-2017

Notification No.:क्रमाााांकएफ 05- 88/2014/32

import, transportation, recycle, sell & use of polythene/plastic carrybags.


Further for banned short life PVC and chlorinated plastic

8 Daman Diu & Dadra Nagar Haveli Complete ban Notification No.




Dated 24.01.2014

Forbidding the use, sale/ storage of all kinds of plastic bags
9 Delhi   Information not available No executive order additional to PWM Rules have been


10 Goa Complete ban Amendment bill The Goa nob-biodegradable garbage


Dated :08.08.2019

Government imposed ban on Manufacture, stock, import, transportation, recycle, sale & use of plastic (carrybags, cups, forks, paper plates, spoons)

And other non-

biodegradable items.

11 Gujarat   Notification No: Vl,l(14/Env-10- 2008-2100-E

Dated2Sth June,

201 l

12 Haryana Complete ban Date: 20 Aug, 2013 Complete ban on manufacture, stock, import, transportation,

recycle, sell & use of plastic carrybags,

13 Himachal Pradesh Complete Ban   Complete ban on use of Carrybags (irrespective of size), polythene, non- biodegradable material, disposable plastic cups, plates,

and glasses

14 Jammu & Kashmir Partial ban Notification: SRO-45 of 2017 dated :03.02.2017 Partial ban on Polyethene carry bags of thickness below 50 microns
15 Jharkhand Complete Ban Notification no 3/Praya Pradu- 52/2007- 3900

Dated 15.09.2017

Complete ban on manufacture, import, storage, transport, sell and usage of

plastic carrybags in

the whole State

16 Karnataka Complete ban Date: 11-03-2016


Notification No.: FEE 17EPC 2012, Bengalru

State government banned the plastic banners, buntings, carrybags (plastic & compostable), cups, cling films, flex, flags, plates, spoons & sheets made of plastic or Thermocol and

microbeads usage in the entire state

17 Kerala Complete ban Notification No.: G.O.(Ms)No.6/2019Env

dated 27-11-2019


G.O.(M/s) No. 2/2020/ENVT

dated 27-01-2020


GOno. GO(Ms) No. 4/2020

Envt dated 16-02-2020

Complete ban on Single use plastic And plastic carrybags (plastic and compostable )
18 Lakshadweep Complete ban Date: 25.01.2019


Notification No.: F.No.66/33/2019

Complete ban on Single use plastic includes:

Plastic carrybags of all thickness, plastic coated carry bags, plastic flags, plastic sheets/films used for wrapping, plastic sheets used as dining table covers, thermocol cups and plates, plastic coated paper cups and plates, plastic teacups, plastic tumblers, plastic teacups, water pouches/packets/PET plastic water bottles,


19 Madhya Pradesh Complete ban Notification : F5-2-2015-18-5 Dated :24.05.2017 Production, Storage, Transportation, sale & use of plastic carrybags.
20 Maharashtra Complete Ban No Plastic-2018/C.R.24/TC- 4


Notification, dated 23.3.2018

and amendment dated 11.4.2018, 30.6.2018 &



ban on certain plastic products like i) plastic bags with or without handle irrespective of size

and thickness, single use diposable items like

cups, plates, straws, spoons etc, Nonwoven Polypropylene

bags through Maharashtra Plastic and

Thermocol Products (Manufacture, Usage, Sale, Transport,

Handling and Storage)

21 Manipur Complete ban Date: 12-09-2017


Notification No.: 56/38/99- for&Envt

Complete ban on use, store & sale of plastic carrybags
22 Meghalaya Partial ban Date: 16-02-2017


Notification No. MPCB/TB- 144(B)/2016-2017/79

Use and sale of plastic bags less than 50 microns has been prohibited and public notice has been


23 Mizoram Partial ban With effect from :01.08.2019 by Aizal municipal


Complete ban on plastic carry bags

below 50 microns

24 Nagaland Partial ban Date: 29th Nov, 2018


Notification No.: UDD/7- GEN/07-PWM/2018

Complete ban on single use plastic less than 50 microns,
25 Odisha Complete ban Notification Order No.


Dt. 30.09.2019

Polythene carry bags thickness of any shape and size has been banned in all Municipal limits in the State.

Govt. of Odisha. Further in the said order State has been prohibited (use polythene sheets of less than50 micron thickness for storing, transporting, dispensing or packaging of any articles, commodity or food items)

26 Puducherry Complete ban Not Available total ban on single use plastics with effect from 02.08.2019.
27 Punjab Complete ban Notification no 5/18/2016- 4lg4/692717/1 dated 18.02.2016




9/1994/S30/2016 dated


Complete ban on Manufacture, stock, distribute, recycle, sale & use of plastic carrybags.
28 Rajasthan Complete ban Notification dated : 21.07.2010 Complete ban on use, store & sale of plastic


29 Sikkim Complete ban Notification No.: GOS/UD&HD97-98/6(85)


Date: 04-06-1998

Complete ban on sale & use, storage of plastic carry bags
30 Tamil Nadu Complete Ban Date: 25.06.2018


Notification No.: G.O. (Ms). No.84 dated 25.06.2018

Complete ban on manufacture, sell, use, storage, Transportation and distribution of “Single- use plastics” i.e. plastic carrybags, flags, sheets using for food wrapping, straws, tea cups, tumblers, water packets & pouches
31 Telangana Not


  Not Banned
32 Tripura Complete ban Notification no:F.B(30)/DSTE/ENV/Pt-

II//1679-97 dated 10.03.2015

Complete ban on Sell, use, storage, Transportation & import of plastic carrybags (including polypropylene, non- woven fabric type)

plastic tube to pack or cover any book including magazine &

invitation/greeting cards.

33 Uttar Pradesh Complete ban Date: 15-07-2018


Notification No. 1056/9-7-18- 29(Lucknow)/18

Manufacture, Sell, use, Storage, Transportation & import of plastic carrybags of thickness 50 microns and cups, bowl, container, tumblers, glasses &

plates etc made of plastic or thermocol

34 Uttarakhand Complete Ban Date: 25.01.2017


Notification No. 88/x-3-17- 13(11)/2001

Manufacture, Sell, use, Storage, Transportation & import of plastic carrybags,cups, bowl, container, tumblers, glasses & plates etc

made of plastic or thermocol

35 West Bengal   Not available Restricted use & sale of plastic carry bags in ecologically fragile areas and in certain heritage & tourist spots

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