Government’s RAMP Scheme Targets Comprehensive Support for MSME Expansion and Improvement

The World Bank supported Central Sector Scheme “Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance” (RAMP) was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 30thJune 2022. RAMP is being implemented by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MoMSME)over the five-year period 2022-23 to 2026-27. The scheme aims to scale up the implementation capacity and coverage of MSMEs with impact enhancement of existing MSME schemes by fostering innovation, encouraging ideation, improving practices and processes, enhancing market access, promoting greening initiatives, scaling up guarantees to women-owned micro and small enterprises etc.  RAMP also aims at promoting Centre-State collaboration by providing grants to States for preparation of Strategic Investment Plan (SIP), which is a roadmap developed by the respective State/UT for development of the MSME sector in the State. RAMP provides grants to States/UTs for implementing selected projects in the SIP.  Since its launch, all States and UTs (except UT of Delhi) have evinced keen interest in participating in RAMP.  The status of SIP submission by the States/UTs  is given in Annexure – I

RAMP receives result- based funding from the World Bank.  Since its launch, MoMSME has claimed reimbursement of 46% of the total World Bank assistance of USD 500 million.  RAMP targets to benefit 5.5 lakh MSMEs during the five-year implementation period.  More than fourlakh MSMEs have been impacted so far.

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