Each political party fighting for own agenda: Odisha Assembly Speaker

Bhubaneswar: Odisha assembly speaker and seven time minister Surya Narayan Patro said that every political party in India is fighting for their own agenda and benefit. While addressing Political CEO conclave and Awards 2021 organized by Institutes of Political Entrepreneurs and Election Management (IPEEM) as chief guest he expressed that each political part has their own agenda. Congress is fighting to make Rahul Gandhi the Prime Minister. BJP is fighting to take control of whole country. And regional parties are fighting for their own existence.”
He discussed briefly about important role played by NRI like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru in freedom struggle. Also talks about scenario during and after emergency declared by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
Talking at ‘Idea of India’ session, Maroof Raza, Defence Analyst, Strategy Consultant expressed his displeasure in the way central government has been handling the Kashmir issue. Government had revoked Article 370 as a sudden shock. Plan only prepared only for this purpose. After that government has no plan or blue print for Kashmir. For many people and parties Kashmir is a Dhanda (business) only. “
Ashok Tanwar, former MP and president, Apna Bharat Morcha opined that, “IPEEM not only play major role in creating future political leaders for Odisha but also for the whole country. This institute to help budding leaders to understand the whole election management system and can prepare strategy accordingly. It will also create numbers of election entrepreneurs in the state. Youth, women and underserved people will also understand use of technology to stay in a level playing field with other established leaders.”
On this occasion Kailas Singh, Founder Chairman, IPEEM said that, “Main objective of this institute is to nurture every person interested to enter politics or want to contribute to political spectrum in some ways. New leaders will learn about integrity, democratic values and good governance. They can give valuable proposals to party and government and can play major role in election management.”
On this occasion ‘don’t laugh at politics’ by prof D K Giri was launched by eminent guests.
Other dignitaries present at the event are former director, PMO Satya Narayan Sahu; political commentator Abhay Dwivedi; Politicla leader Manoja Manjari Devi; Dr D K Giri, director, Schumacher Centre Delhi; Soumya Ranjan Patnaik, Editor, Sambad and MLA; political commentator Deba Prasad Dash; Shishir Miglani, Member, Politec; Bishnu Sethi, deputy leader, Odisha legislative assembly; Panchanan Kanungo, former finance minister, Odisha; Prasad Harichandan, Former president, Odisha Pradesh congress Committee, Pradip Kumar Majhi, political leader, Prafulla Kumar Sahu, Co-founder,CYSD,; Sanjeev Mallick , MLA; Sulochana Das, Commissioner for person with disabilities; Dr Netaji Abhinadan, Associate professor, Ravenshaw University; Dr Urmila Das, former director, WSRC, Berhampur University; Prof Dipti Patnaik, HoD-English BHU and Harish Bijoor.

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