Bhubaneswar Celebrates two more Ironmans followinf sucess at Ironman European Championship held in Hamburg, Germany

Bhubaneswar — Entire Bhubaneswar, the state of Odisha and especially the members of Bhubaneswar Cycling & Adventure Club (BCAC) are thrilled to welcome two more Ironman triathletes – . & . All hail and thanks to the outstanding performances of both these triathletes at the Ironman European Championship held in Hamburg, Germany on 02-June-2024. Its worth mentioning that . , & , , & .

In an event that drew competitors from around the globe, Odisha’s athletes showcased remarkable endurance, strength, and perseverance, securing successful finishers and bringing honour to the state. The Ironman European Championship, Hamburg is renowned for its gruelling course that includes a 3.8 km swim, a 178 km bike ride, and a 42.2 km marathon run, tested the limits of human potential. Despite the challenges of pot-hole filled roads, head-winds and severe cross winds, Odisha’s champions rose to the occasion, demonstrating the state’s growing prowess in internationally acclaimed triathlon sports.

The President of BCAC & Commissioner of Police (Bhubaneswar-Cuttack), Sri Sanjeeb Panda, IPS expressed his elation, stating, “Triathlon as a competitive sport has been receiving immense popularity in the recent years and many of our members are venturing into Triathlon competitions like Ironman after showing their prowess in Cycling and Running activities. Today, we are incredibly proud of our triathletes, Dr. Ranjan & Sri Ranjit, who have once again proven their mettle on an international stage. This achievement not only highlights their dedication and hard work but also underscores BCAC’s commitment to nurturing and supporting sports talents.”

The triumphant athletes were welcomed grandly by the members of the club along with the family members yesterday late night at Bhubaneswar Airport. BCAC continues to emerge as a significant club for sports in Odisha, with its athletes making indelible marks on the global stage. The state of Odisha is looking forward to more such achievements and remains committed to fostering an environment where sports can thrive.

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