“The lactating women can be safely given Covid-19 vaccination”- Health Department, Himachal Pradesh

A spokesperson of the Health department informed that as per the recommendations of National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for Covid-19 (NEGVAC) and keeping in view the evolving situation of the pandemic, the emerging scientific evidence and experience across the globe, the Government has now allowed Covid-19 vaccination for all the Lactating Mothers.

He further informed that Covid-19 positive cases and Covid-19 patients who have been given anti-SARS-2 monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma and discharged from the hospital can be vaccinated after three months.

He further added that persons with any other serious general illness requiring hospitalization or ICU care should also wait for 4-8 weeks for getting the Covid-19 vaccine. In case patients have received the 1st dose and got Covid-19 infection before completion of the dosing schedule, the 2nd dose should be deferred by three months from clinical recovery from Covid-19 illness.

The spokesperson said that directions have also been issued not to screen the vaccine recipients by Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) prior to Covid-19 vaccination. Individuals can donate blood after 14 days of either receipt of Covid-19 vaccine or testing RT-PCR negative, if suffering from Covid-19 disease.

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