Indian gymnast Pranati Nayak showcased her prowess on the world stage by clinching the bronze medal in the women’s vault event at the FIG Apparatus World Cup held in Cairo. The event, crucial for Paris Olympics qualification, witnessed Nayak’s stellar performance as she earned an impressive aggregate score of 13.616 points, securing her spot on the podium.
— Vineel Krishna (@rvineel_krishna) February 17, 2024
The 28-year-old athlete’s achievement highlights her dedication and skill in the sport, marking a significant milestone in her gymnastics career. Nayak’s success adds to India’s growing presence in international gymnastics competitions.
In the same final round, another Indian gymnast, Dipa Karmakar, renowned for her fourth-place finish at the 2016 Rio Olympics, competed fiercely but finished in the fifth spot among the eight finalists. Karmakar’s score of 13.383 reflects her determination and commitment to the sport despite the tough competition.
Pranati Nayak’s remarkable performance not only brings glory to Indian gymnastics but also boosts hopes for further success on the global stage, as India continues to make strides in the field of sports.
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