Over 1.23 Lakh students enrolled in Eklavya Model Residential Schools in 2023-24; 405 EMRSs functional across the country

At present, a total number of 708 Eklavya Model residential Schools (EMRSs) have been sanctioned across the country, out of which 405 schools are reported to be functional. The State-wise details of the total sanctioned EMRSs are provided below:

Sl. No. State / UT No. of EMRSs Sanctioned No. of EMRSs Functional
1 Andhra Pradesh 28 28
2 Arunachal Pradesh 10 5
3 Assam 15 1
4 Bihar 3 0
5 Chhattisgarh 75 74
6 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 1 1
7 Gujarat 45 34
8 Himachal Pradesh 4 4
9 Jammu & Kashmir 6 6
10 Jharkhand 89 7
11 Karnataka 12 12
12 Kerala 4 4
13 Ladakh 3 0
14 Madhya Pradesh 70 63
15 Maharashtra 37 37
16 Manipur 21 3
17 Meghalaya 35 0
18 Mizoram 17 6
19 Nagaland 22 3
20 Odisha 108 32
21 Rajasthan 31 30
22 Sikkim 4 4
23 Tamil Nadu 8 8
24 Telangana 23 23
25 Tripura 21 6
26 Uttar Pradesh 4 3
27 Uttarakhand 4 4
28 West Bengal 8 7
Grand Total 708 405

Under the new scheme of EMRS, Ministry releases funds to National Education Society for Tribal Students (NESTS), the autonomous society created in the year 2019 under the Ministry to manage and implement the scheme of EMRS, and NESTS further releases funds to States/ UTs/ PSUs/ Construction Agencies/ State Societies as per their requirements for construction of EMRSs and recurring cost for running of the schools. Prior to 2020-21, this scheme was a component under Grants under Article 275(1) of the Constitution of India and no separate budget allocation was made for the scheme of EMRS. Budget allocation under new EMRS scheme from 2020-21 onwards are as under:

(Rs. in crore)

Financial Year BE RE Expenditure
2020-21 1313.23 1200.00 1199.98
2021-22 1418.04 1057.74 1057.74
2022-23 2000.0 2000.00 1999.98
2023-24 5943.00 2471.81 2447.61
2024-25 6399.00 1719.76

The number of students enrolled in EMRSs since 2019-20 to 2023-24 is as under:

Academic year 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
Student Enrolment

in EMRSs

73391 90520 105463 113275 123841

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