Odisha CM Naveen Patanik presents statement in Mamita Meher murder case in state Assembly

Bhubaneswar :Odisha Chief minister today presented a statement  in connection to lady teacher Mamita Meher murder case in state assembly, amidst opposition party creating ruckus in the well of the house .

In reply , CM said that my Government will ensure that no stone is left unturned to see that the perpetrators of the crime are brought to justice as per law in the shortest possible time and will move the competent court for fast track trial so that the perpetrators of the crime are brought to justice in the quickest possible time.

“However, in the aftermath of this terrible incident, the manner in which this very sensitive and heinous crime has been politicized shocked me as well as the people of Odisha. While dealing with such sensitive cases we must never forget the pain and agony the family members of the victim go through,” he added.

The Chief Minnister further said that things went to such an extent that the parents of the victim had to request with folded hands not to do character assassination of their daughter and politicize her death.

The Chief Minister informed that following the request of the government, the Orissa High Court has appointed a retired District Judge to monitor the investigation of the case.

Besides, he also said that now the entire police investigation will be subjected to judicial scrutiny. We should respect and have faith in our independent judiciary and also expressed his deep concern that there are attempts to prevent one of the members of the august House from discharging his duties.

Further,  I have always ensured that the police have full functional autonomy that they do a professional job particularly in heinous offences relating to women and take legal action without fear or favour against anybody if there is evidence, no matter how high and mighty he is, he added.


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