Odisha Assembly undergone a major transformation, bringing in cutting-edge technology and a fresh modern look

Bhubaneswar: The newly formed Legislative Assembly in the state has undergone a major transformation, bringing in cutting-edge technology and a fresh modern look after the recent polls and the formation of the new government.

In a bid to make the proceedings paperless and tech-savvy, iPads have been placed on the desks of all 147 MLAs as well as the Speaker’s podium and Secretary’s table, totalling 149 iPads. These are part of the National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) mission.

All MLAs, including fresh legislators, will undergo special training sessions to familiarize themselves with the iPad operations and assembly protocols. Veteran ministers and experienced leaders have been given the charge to train the new MLAs. A two-day training workshop will be conducted over the next couple of days to help new members operate in the House proceedings seamlessly.

Not just the equipment, but the entire Assembly hall has been revamped. From new carpeting to new MLA seats, the House is sporting a completely renovated avatar.

The renovated look extends to the press gallery as well. The media section has been decked with plush red carpets, brand new chairs and tables replacing the old furniture.

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