Odia Samaj Abu Dhabi Celebrates Utkal Dibas

Abu Dhabi : Odia Samaj Abu Dhabi (OSA) Celebrated Utkal Dibas – 2022 with pomp and splendour. The Celebration coincided the Annual Function of OSA entitled ‘UTKARSHA – 2022’. The ceremony venue historic Abu Dhabi Theater facing the serene and scenic Arabian Sea was decked up aesthetically befitting to the Grand Occasion and was wearing the Lavish look of a Mini Odisha. The entire ambience of the Theater was agog with Festive fervour. The Distinguished gathering include members and relatives of OSA, prominent Non Resident Indians, Officials of Indian Embassy and Members of Diplomatic core belonging to different Countries. The Odia Community in Abu Dhabi had a special reason to go for a massive and spirited celebration because, Utkal Dibas commemoration is taking place in offline after a gap of two years due to Corona disruption.

The Festival commenced with the lighting of ceremonial lamp by the Invited Guests. Delivering Welcome Address the President of Abu Dhabi Odia Samaj Pradeep Rath elaborated the series of charitable and social services rendered by OSA during covid period and Fani Cyclone in Odisha. Specially, Shri Rath was highly praising the active role of the members of OSA in evacuating 2000 stranded Odias safely to Odisha by  14 Chartered Flights during the advent of Pandemic. Exhibiting his astounding oratory calibre, the distinguished Guest Cine Star Kuna Tripathy eulogized the exemplary endeavours of OSA in uniting NROs at Abu Dhabi. Shri Tripathy  gave a clarion call to Odia Community abroad to be Pure Odia and Proud Odia.

Attending the Festival as Guest of Honour, Eminent Journalist and Chairman of World Odisha Society (WOS) Kishore Dwibedi lauded the leading role of Odia Samaj Abu Dhabi in promoting and popularizing Brand Odisha in United Arab Emirates.

Addressing the gathering Chief Guest Second Secretary of Indian Embassy in UAE Risha Oberai appreciated OSA’s all round support in strengthening Indian diaspora in UAE. Delivering his speech special Guest representative of the Chairman of Rarean Group Braja Kishore Mishra, CEO of Teras company Anil Sahu showered huge praises on the activists of OSA in serving Odia communities. Representing Sheikh Mohammed – bin- Sultan – bin – Hamdan – Al – Nehayan Charged Affairs Dr Talal – Al – Baloushi, Advisers of OSA Dr. Himanshu Das, Ashok Panda and hounourable guest Mulk Raj shared the dias and were warmly felicitated.
The Anniversary celebration witnessed the release of a Colourful Souvenir entitled ‘PRABASI UTKARSHA’. The prize publication was edited by Satyabrata Patra and Arunima Mishra.

The special attraction of Utkal Dibas was presentation of a cultural Jamboori by the Czars and Czarinas of Ollywood like Kuna Tripathy, Abhijit Majumdar and Anuradha Panigrahi. They were supported by musical accompanists Saumyajeet Parida, Jyotiranjan Mahalik and Dushmant Das. The audience were spellbound by the unique rendition of two Plays based on the theme of corona by male and female members of OSA. Conceptualised by Banhi Prava Rath, the plays were directed and executed by Saugat Nayak, Kamal Panda and team. Musical tributes to Bappi Lahiri and Lata Mangeshkar were super duper hits. The Fashion Show staged by Swati Das and Shubra Samal was unique in all respect. The Cultural session was ably conducted by ace anchor Ankita Mohanty, OSA’s Cultural Secretary Prathik Dash and Assistant Cultural Secretary Santosh Tripathy coordinated the performances smoothly. The main function was compered by Arunima Mishra. Dr Himanshu Das presented the vote of thanks.
The whole arrangement of the Mega Event was managed by the competent organisers of OSA like Pradeep Rath, Sidhartha Das, Kamal Panda, Dillip Nayak, SantoshTripathy, Sudhanshu Patro, Rabi Narayan Dash, Sukarna Behera, Kartik Singh, Sushanta Mohapatra, Sushanta Choudhury, Abdur Rauf and Jyotiranjan Dash. The dignitaries present include Priyadarshi Panigrahi, Baidyanath Jena and Kishore Kumar Dash.

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