More than 25 lakh Vaccine doses administered today till 7 pm

New Delhi : India’s COVID-19 vaccination coverage has crossed 215 Crore (2,15,22,11,139landmark milestone today. More than 25 lakh (25,79,383) Vaccine Doses have been administered till 7 pm today. The daily vaccination tally is expected to increase with the compilation of the final reports for the day by late tonight.

The cumulative coverage of vaccine doses, segregated based on population priority groups, is as follows:

Cumulative Vaccine Dose Coverage
HCWs 1st Dose 10414559
2nd Dose 10111510
Precaution Dose 6877308
FLWs 1st Dose 18435627
2nd Dose 17706982
Precaution Dose 13382428
Age Group 12-14 years 1st Dose 40630830
  2nd Dose 30870450
Age Group 15-18 years 1st Dose 61796405
  2nd Dose 52662157
Age Group 18-44 years 1st Dose 560917499
2nd Dose 514404403
Precaution Dose 77524220
Age Group 45-59 years 1st Dose 203966521
2nd Dose 196640739
Precaution Dose 41435802
Over 60 years 1st Dose 127625288
2nd Dose 122924316
Precaution Dose 43884095
Cumulative 1st dose administered 1023786729
Cumulative 2nd dose administered 945320557
Precaution Dose 183103853
Total 2152211139


Today’s achievement in the vaccination exercise, segregated by population priority groups, is as follows:

Date: 11th September, 2022 (604th Day)
HCWs 1st Dose 53
2nd Dose 759
Precaution Dose 10304
FLWs 1st Dose 90
2nd Dose 1382
Precaution Dose 18864
Age Group 12-14 years 1st Dose 6023
  2nd Dose 25847
Age Group 15-18 years 1st Dose 3745
  2nd Dose 16326
Age Group 18-44 years 1st Dose 31924
2nd Dose 156453
Precaution Dose 1371611
Age Group 45-59 years 1st Dose 8056
2nd Dose 53057
Precaution Dose 547056
Over 60 years 1st Dose 4895
2nd Dose 32516
Precaution Dose 290422
Cumulative 1st dose administered 54786
Cumulative 2nd dose administered 286340
Precaution Dose 2238257
Total 2579383


The vaccination exercise as a tool to protect the most vulnerable population groups in the country from COVID-19 continues to be regularly reviewed and monitored at the highest level.

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