Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs Sponsors Government Goodwill Delegations to Enhance International Relations

In the continuously and rapidly changing international scenario, the need to project and propagate our national policies, programmes and achievements, problems in the proper perspective among various countries as well as understanding their view points has been felt for a long time. The Parliamentarians of a country play a significant role in determining the policies of the country and strengthening of relations with other countries. More particularly, it is indeed useful and necessary for a democratic and developing country like India to select some Members of Parliament and distinguished personalities and utilize their services in projecting our policies, programmes, problems and achievements in different fields with their counterparts and other opinion makers in other countries and secure their support in favour of India. With these objectives in view, the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs sponsors Government Goodwill Delegations of Members of Parliament to other countries and receives similar Government sponsored delegations of parliamentarians under the exchange programme from other countries through the Ministry of External Affairs.

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