Measures taken by Indian Railway during the monsoon to ensure proper functioning of signalling system

There is an established system of inspection of Railway Bridges and tracks on Indian Railways. The inspection of the Railway track is undertaken by designated officials at a specified frequency. In addition to prescribed schedule for regular maintenance following measures are taken during monsoon to ensure proper functioning of signaling system:-

(i)     Drainage system in yards is improved by cleaning of yard drains.

(ii)    Identified vulnerable locations for failure of track circuits are attended in advance.

(iii)  Joint inspection of points & track circuits are conducted by track & signaling   officials and remedial measures are taken.

(iv)    Axle counter is provided in identified areas vulnerable for water logging.

Special precautions such as the introduction of monsoon patrolling in identified sections, deployment of watchmen at vulnerable locations, special patrolling of track in case of heavy rains are taken during monsoon. Coordination is done with concerned Regional Meteorological Centres for updated weather information and with District authorities for getting information regarding release of excess water from reservoirs/dams.

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