H&FW director informs, there may be delay in third phase vaccination drive

Bhubaneswar: A day after the big announcement of online registration, for the third phase of vaccination to commence from April 28, the Health and Family Welfare director Bijay Panigrahi today informs there are chances of delay in delivering of vaccinations to people aged between 18 to 44 years.

The H&FW director says, Delays in vaccination have led to uncertainty in vaccination programme, while everyone can register by going to the Covin portal but no slot appointment will be done right now. We will provide slots through the portal as soon as the vaccine arrives and registered citizens can get vaccinations according to their slots.

“We wrote the letter yesterday for early delivery of the Covisheild vaccine, but the chances of the Covishield vaccine reaching in May are less. While, Covaxin vaccines may be available by mid-May. The vaccine will be given only after the vaccine arrives,” Panigrahi informed.

Notably, Vaccination was done at 595 centers yesterday and nearly 88,770 people have been vaccinated. To date, 56,39,150 doses have been administered. Vaccination is underway at 600 centers today also and the state currently has 3,65,000 covacin vaccines.

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