Dr. U. S. Gautam DDG, (Agricultural Extension) inaugurates Kisan Mela-cum-Exhibition at ICAR-CIFA, Bhubaneswar


Bhubaneswar: Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Khordha and ICAR-CIFA jointly organized Kisan Mela-cum-Exhibition at its campus, Kausalyaganga, today. The mela was inaugurated by Dr. U. S. Gautam, DDG (Agricultural Extension), ICAR, New Delhi. Others present on this occasion were Professor M. M. Adhikary, Former VC, BCKV, West Bengal; Dr. R. R. Burman, ADG (Agricultural Extension), ICAR, New Delhi; Dr. Pradip Dey, Director, ICAR-ATARI, Kolkata and Dr. P. J. Mishra, Dean (Extension Education), OUAT, Bhubaneswar.
In his address, Dr. U. S. Gautam commended KVK, Khordha, for its efforts in advancing the farming community and highlighted the importance of adopting various agricultural and allied sector activities such as mushroom cultivation, beekeeping, aquaculture, dairy farming, and horticulture to double farmers’ income. He also emphasized the need to strengthen KVK, Khordha, as a model KVK in India in Fishery sector. Dr. R. R. Burman, ADG (Agricultural Extension), ICAR, New Delhi praised the achievements of ICAR-CIFA and KVK, Khordha, in transferring technology to farmers and stressed the importance of digital extension for disseminating technological information. Professor Adhikary underscored the importance of providing demonstrations to farmers. Dr. Pradip Dey and Dr. P. J. Mishra also shared their insights during the event. Dr. P. K. Sahoo, Director of ICAR-CIFA, provided a brief overview of the institute’s research achievements and highlighted the significance of KVK, Khordha, in enhancing agriculture and allied sectors in Khordha district. The event saw the participation of around 200 farmers and farm women. A farmer-scientist interaction meeting was also organized, during which eleven progressive farmers and farm women were felicitated for their achievements in agriculture and allied sector activities. To mark the campaign “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam,” the dignitaries planted Areca nut saplings. Dr. Harapriya Nayak, Senior Scientist and Head of KVK, Khordha, delivered the vote of thanks, while Dr. Snatashree Mohanty, Scientist, coordinated the programme.


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