Department of Water Resources Ready for Special Campaign 4.0 to Promote Cleanliness and Reduce Pendency

The Special Campaign 4.0 is being undertaken in true spirit by the Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (DoWR,RD&GR), Mo Jal Shakti. For the Preparatory Phase, Nodal Officer of this Department as well as field organizations have been appointed. All Divisions of this Department and all Subordinate / Attached Offices, PSU, Autonomous Bodies and Authorities under DoWR,RD&GR have been asked to identify the pendency and other indicators pertaining to their office as per the parameters of DARPG’s guidelines.

During Special Campaign 4.0, besides cleanliness of office buildings and premises, the focus of the Department would be on ensuring cleanliness in areas where the footfall is high and visibility among the masses is more. It would include cleanliness drives in and around various dam sites and river banks as well as river ghats located in various parts of the country.

While, Department would initiate Implementation Phase of Special Campaign 4.0 on 2nd October, 2024, sincere and dedicated efforts are being made to identify targets and to develop plan for smooth implementation of the campaign by the Department in Preparatory Phase in consultation with all Divisions/field and outstation offices under the administrative control of DoWR,RD&GR.

Data including pictures, videos are being uploaded on social media sites, highlighting the work done by the Departments and its Organizations across many cities. The best practices under the campaign would be uploaded on the social media platforms.

The Government of India’s Special Campaign 3.0 was undertaken in Government offices with major focus on cleanliness drive. Under the Special Campaign activities relating to cleanliness, review and simplification of rules and procedures, review of record management system, productive use of space, disposal of waste materials for enhancing work place experience were undertaken.

The achievement of the Department during Special Campaign 3.0 is as under:-

Sl. No. Parameters Achievements
1 VIP References


2 Public Grievance Appeals


3 Public Grievances


4 PMO References


5 Physical files Reviewed 6718
6 Physical files Weeded out 2293
7 E-Files Reviewed 2367
8 E-Files Closed 194
9 Cleanliness Campaigns 126
10 Space freed (Sq ft) 14582 Sq Ft
11 Revenue Generated 11,98,202/-
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