Change the Game India trains grassroots NGOs on self –sustenance

New Delhi : Change the Game Academy (CtGA), a global initiative which has been co-created by Smile Foundation, is working towards training grass roots organizations in India on self-sustenance through local fund-raising efforts and by creating awareness on the ground.

As part of this initiative, a series of workshops have been organised for grassroots organisations by Change the Game India. The latest training workshop, dedicated to Local Fund Raising, was organised in collaboration with Light for the World for organisations in the North East of India. It focussed on teaching participants best practices and skills required to attract funds locally for their respective initiatives.

CtGA, under the aegis of Smile Foundation, imparts training through an innovative blended learning program that helps social change makers learn about ways to make people aware about their programs and to raise funds locally.

To achieve this, a series of unique training programs have been curated. Through these customized courses, Smile Foundation is building capacities and empowering social entrepreneurs to diversify sources of funding and help deepen organizational capacities.

Smile Foundation is committed to bring ‘Civic Driven Change’ and to inculcate best practices that empower people.

Santanu Mishra, Co-founder and Executive Trustee of Smile Foundation said, “Our aim through this program is to make civil society aware of the good work being done in local areas and also to enable them to support such causes.”

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