Worker Population Ratio (WPR) for persons of age 15 years & above has increased to 52.6% during 2020-21 from 50.9% in 2019-20: Rameswar Teli

The data on Employment and Unemployment is collected through Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) conducted by the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation (MoSPI) since 2017-18. The survey period is July to June of the next year. As per the latest available Annual PLFS reports, the estimated Worker Population Ratio (WPR) on usual status for persons of age 15 years & above has increased to 52.6% during 2020-21 from 50.9% in 2019-20. The estimated percentage of working persons in the manufacturing industry of wearing apparel on usual status during 2019-20 and 2020-21 was as follows:

Percentage distribution of usually working persons in industry-Manufacturing of Wearing Apparel (in %)
Years Male Female Total
2019-20 1.44 3.72 2.08
2020-21 1.44 4.00 2.20

Source: PLFS, MoSPI

The above data indicates that employment in the manufacturing industry of wearing apparel has increased during 2020-21 as compared to 2019-20.

The Government of India has enacted the Factories Act, 1948 which provides for the occupational safety, health & welfare of workers including women workers working in the factories registered under the said Act. Specific provisions have been prescribed for the occupational safety of the workers at workplace including garment factories. The Factories Act, 1948 and rules framed thereunder are enforced by the respective State Governments through the Chief Inspector of Factories/ Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health. Data relating to workplace complaints from women workers is not maintained centrally by this Ministry.

The Government has also enacted the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (SH Act) with the aims to provide safe and secure work environment to women irrespective of their work status. The aforesaid Act casts an obligation upon every employer/organizations whether in private or public sector employing 10 or more persons, to constitute Internal Committee (IC) for receiving complaints of sexual harassment. Similarly, the State Government is authorized to constitute Local Committee (LC) in every district which will receive complaints from organizations having less than 10 workers or if the complaint is against employers himself.

The Government has taken a number of initiatives in this regard during COVID-19 pandemic. The Government has ensured that its institutions such as One Stop Centres (OSCs), Universalisation of Women Help Line (WHL), Ujjawala Homes, Swadhar Greh, Child Care Institutions, Child Line (1098), Emergency Response Support System (112) remained operational and available for providing assistance to women during the period. During lockdown, National Commission for Women (NCW) also took measures to assist women facing distress.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Labour & Employment, Shri Rameswar Teli in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.

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