Surprising Things That Will Make Your Business Better

So, you think you’ve tried everything to boost your business mojo? Bet you haven’t thought of these slightly unusual ideas that could catapult take your company to the next level…

  1. Hand Out Awards Like Candy

You might think that awards are just for Olympians, but you know what? Giving out custom trophies and acrylic awards to your employees when they have gone above and beyond to deliver, can be surprisingly motivating, and when employees are motivated, they are on the ball and more likely to keep delivering. A monthly awards ceremony could just be the best thing you ever do for your productivity levels, and it’s more fun than tracking every second of your employees’ working lives, right?

  1. Unleash the Office Pets

Imagine the boost in morale if every now and then, a furry friend popped into your office to say hello. Pets have been shown to reduce stress and increase job satisfaction. Coordinate ‘Bring Your Pet to Work’ days or, if that’s too much fur flying around, maybe a fish tank or two could liven up the place. Just make sure everyone’s on board with the animal antics and allergies are checked at the door!

  1. Swap Your Roles

Here’s a thought: What if your team swapped roles for a day? The boss answers phones, the intern leads the meeting, the tech guy does the coffee run. Not only is it a great laugh, but it also builds appreciation for what everyone brings to the table. Plus, it can spark innovative ideas and approaches by looking at tasks from new angles.

  1. Lunchtime Lotto

Okay, so this might sound a little weird, but why not make lunchtimes less dull by holding your very own lotto draw, Do this once a month, and let the lucky winner take a way a fun prize like a free lunch of a mystery box of snacks and motivation levels are sure to soar.

  1. The Ideas Shower

Forget the suggestion box; welcome to the ideas shower. Set up an area where employees can scribble down their craziest, most innovative ideas—no judgment. Regularly review these gems for feasible implementations. The best idea gets a prize or better yet, gets implemented. It’s a great way to encourage creativity and make employees feel like their wild ideas could actually count.

  1. Random Acts of Kindness Generator

Create a ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ program. Each week, a team member’s name is drawn, and they are tasked with performing a random act of kindness for someone else in the office. It could be as simple as making someone a cup of tea, leaving a kind note, or helping out with a difficult task. This not only enhances team spirit but can also transform office dynamics positively.

  1. Silent Disco Meetings

Turn a regular meeting on its head by holding a silent disco meeting. Everyone pops on headphones, tunes into the meeting playlist, and gets down to business with a bit more bop. It might just energize your team and encourage some out-of-the-box thinking, not to mention getting those creative juices flowing with the beats.

  1. Office Olympics

Who says you can’t mix work and play? Host an annual ‘Office Olympics’ with events that anyone can participate in. Think chair races, sticky-note art, speed typing contests—the sillier, the better. It’s a fantastic way to break the routine, encourage teamwork, and just have a whole lot of laughs.

  1. The Mystery Travel Day

Spice things up with a ‘Mystery Travel Day’ where the destination and activities are unknown until the day arrives. This could range from a team-building retreat, a fun day at an amusement park, or a cultural visit to a museum. The excitement of the unknown keeps everyone on their toes and builds a sense of adventure and camaraderie within the team.

  1. Themed Work Days

Introduce themed work days that encourage employees to dress up and decorate their workspace according to a chosen theme, such as retro, futuristic, or favorite movie characters. This not only makes for a visually stimulating environment but also encourages creativity and provides a great opportunity for team members to express themselves and bond over shared interests.

  1. Skill Sharing Sessions

Organize regular skill-sharing sessions where employees can teach each other something outside of their professional roles. Whether it’s a craft, a cooking lesson, or yoga, these sessions can diversify the skills within the team and foster an atmosphere of learning and growth. It’s a fun, low-pressure way to learn something new and see a different side of colleagues.

As you can see, boosting your business doesn’t always require serious strategies and cutthroat tactics; sometimes fun and creativity are really what will win the day so please do keep the above strategies in mind!

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