Odisha: Technology Extension Centres to be set at Growth Centres for MSMEs

Bhubaneswar: A Seminar on “Boosting MSME Business through Zero-Effect-Zero Defect (ZED), Government-e-Market Place (GeM), IPR and Digital Marketing” was held today on the sidelines of the MSME International Trade Fair, 2018. While delivering key note address Mr. Sudhir Garg, Sr. Joint Secretary of the Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India stated that the Ministry plans to set up 8 to 10 technology centres (which will be extension centres of CTTC) in Odisha for low cost automation at industrial growth centres, for which the State Government may provide building support.

These centres will help in making available necessary technical knowhow and upgrade technology needed by the MSMEs in the changing times. He also declared that CTTC, Bhubaneswar is a Lean Certifying Centre, which will take up the awareness and training of MSMEs on Lean manufacturing in districts. He agreed to extend all support to MSMEs for organizing training on ZED, Lean and GeM at DIC level in all the 30 districts.

Speaking on the occasion, Additional CEO, GeM Shri K.C. Jha from Ministry of
Commerce and Industry stated that GeM is a G-2-B (Government 2 Business) Portal. He
gave a call to all the MSMEs to register themselves on GeM Portal to enhance their
marketing reach. As on date, there are nearly 16,417 buyer organisations of GeM. GeM
offers the advantage to sellers in terms of receiving notification by SMS for the entire
product category. Further, the dynamic pricing on the portal ensures getting the right
value of the product to the seller. Government of Odisha has already signed an MoU
with GeM. GeM Team will start training of nodal officers of Govt. Departments in Odisha
within April.
Speaking in the seminar, Dr. A. Raj, Sr. Director of Quality Council of India stated
that registration for ZED ensures both diagnosis as well as treatment of ills in MSMEs.
Once, the MSME is registered, various parameters of MSMEs are mapped and solution
generated, which results in reduction of defect in a product or service while taking care
of zero effect on environment. All the industry associations volunteered to motivate
their respective members for registration under ZED on priority basis.

Ms Sonali Sengupta, CGM, RBI, Mumbai informed that there has been increase of
20% year to year growth in lending to the MSME sector. She highlighted the timelines
to be adopted by the banks while sanctioning the proposals. Dr. Shyam Kumar Barik,
Asst. Controller of Patents, Kolkata spoke on the advantage of registration of IPRs like
design, patent, trademark, copyright, trade secrets etc. for the growth of MSME units.
Chairing the seminar, Shri L.N. Gupta, ACS, MSME declared that the awarenesscum-registration

camps for ZED, GeM and Lean manufacturing will be started at DIC level in the month of April and will be held in all the 30 districts. He also informed that so far 484 projects involving project cost of Rs.1796 crore and employment to over 19000 persons have been cleared by the District Level Single Window Clearance Committees since April, 2015. He added that subsidy of over Rs.95 crore has been released to various MSMEs under different policies of the State Government. Sri Samarajit Mohanty, President, OSSIA, Cuttack and Shri S.R. Pradhan, Director of Industries, Odisha, Cuttack wrapped up the session deliberations and extended vote of thanks.

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