Ministry of Culture Launches ‘Financial Assistance for Veteran Artists’ Scheme to Support Senior Artists

Ministry of Culture administers a Scheme by the name of ‘Financial Assistance for Veteran Artists’ to provide financial assistance to veteran artists aged 60 years and above having annual income not exceeding Rs. 72,000/-. The selected artist is provided maximum financial assistance of Rs. 6000/- per month. The scheme is meant to provide financial assistance for improving the financial and socio-economic status of the old artistes and scholars who have contributed significantly in their active age or are still contributing in the field of arts, letters etc. but due to old age are unable to generate a steady income.


State-wise details of funds distributed to the veteran artists under the scheme during the last five years are as under:


   (Rs. In Lakh)
Sl. No. States FY-2019-20 FY-2020-21 FY-2021-22                              FY-2022-23                               FY – 2023-24                             
    Amount Disbursed Amount Disbursed Amount Disbursed Amount Disbursed Amount Disbursed
1 Andhra Pradesh 22.16 5.10 72.29 84.66 153.30
2 Assam 1.92 0.96 0.48 1.57 2.41
3 Bihar 15.47
4 Delhi 5.87
5 Haryana 0.04 0.93 0.56 3.69
7 Jharkhand 1.11 2.28 3.00 3.59 3.88
8 Karnataka 30.29 29.97 59.55 64.32 341.98
9 Kerala 13.34 8.18 24.49 25.30 64.21
10 Madhya Pradesh 5.41 2.44 5.04 3.86 6.95
11 Maharashtra 85.86 106.61 190.49 273.49 795.97
12 Manipur 3.08 3.36 7.84 0.60 14.70
13 Nagaland 0.04 0.48 0.92 0.12 3.28
14 Odisha 84.04 119.46 276.95 306.77 1063.40
16 Rajasthan 0.87 0.07 1.23 0.71 1.36
17 Tamil Nadu 9.92 0.87 15.49 14.60 46.96
18 Telangana 86.18 53.20 217.29 268.16 274.94
19 Tripura 0.06 0.24 0.92 0.12
20 Uttar Pradesh 3.20 5.12 13.08 15.46 67.24
21 Uttarakhand 2.43
22 West Bengal 8.26 5.09 12.31 11.71 28.53
  Total 355.82 343.46 902.30 1075.60 2896.57
  LIC* 1461.78 527.85 639.87 783.58
  G. Total 1817.60 871.31 1542.17 1859.18 2896.57


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