New Delhi :Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan has said that it is our responsibility to maintain law and order and social harmony in the state. Be vigilant at every level and in every field during the days of the upcoming festivals. Law and order situation should be reviewed on weekly basis. Chief Minister Shri Chouhan was reviewing the law and order situation at Mantralaya. Chief Secretary Shri Iqbal Singh Bains, Additional Chief Secretary Home Dr. Rajesh Rajoura, Director General of Police Shri Sudhir Saxena and other officers were present.
Chief Minister Shri Chouhan said that we cannot sit as mute spectators amidst efforts to spread discontent in the society. Be sensitive about such activities happening in different parts of the state and maintain constant dialogue with different sections. Try to solve the problems through dialogue. Take strict action if necessary. CM Shri Chouhan directed to take strict and effective action against goons and persons engaged in drug trade.
It was informed that in view of the upcoming festivals, separate meetings are being held with the operators of Bands and DJs and the Organisers of the festivals and Chal Samaroh along with the peace committee meetings at the police station level. The police administration is fully prepared for the upcoming festivals to be held in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.
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