Dhamra Port Organises Free Eye Check-up Camp


DhamraEyes are the windows of the soul, and these are the most precious gift. Many sight-threatening diseases can be cured or prevented by taking measures with the help of regular eye test. Keeping this in mind, CSR department Adani Dhamra Port in association Vision Spring Foundation took initiative for the free eye test and Spectacles distribution for the School Children, Truck Drivers and SHG Women of Dhamra Port Region.

Camp Inaugurated by Mr. Devendra Thakar, CEO Dhamra Port at Vivekananda high-school, Koithakhola on 16th August. Mr. Banabihari Maity (Founder V.N. High School), Ashok Pandit (Social Worker), Ashish Dash (Head Corporate Affairs) were present along with C.S.R Team at School during the camp Inauguration.

CSR Head Adani Dhamra Port Mr. Asit Kumar Bisoi, informed to media that, the objective of this camp is to spread awareness on eye disorders and their early detection among school children, Truck Drivers and SHG women. The camp will continue up to next 45 days and will cover 3500 School Children, 5000 truck drivers and 600 SHG Women. Also, all will be screened for the spectacle number correction, and they will be provided with free spectacles.

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