CUO Hosts Two-Day Workshop on Vedic Mathematics, Exploring the Scientific Relevance of Ancient Wisdom

Sunabeda: A two-day workshop on Vedic Mathematics was successfully conducted at the Central University of Odisha on September 16-17, 2024, at its Sunabeda campus. Organized by the Department of Mathematics, the workshop aimed to highlight the significance of Vedic knowledge in contemporary education and everyday life.

The workshop was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. Chakradhara Tripathi, who emphasized the relevance of the Vedas in modern life. He discussed how India’s rich cultural heritage, mythology, and ancient texts are rooted in scientific principles that remain highly relevant today. Prof. Tripathi also illustrated a mathematical concept drawn from a stanza of the Hanuman Chalisa, connecting it to the broader theme of Vedic wisdom.

Prof. V.C. Jha, Advisor to the University, shed light on the importance of integrating Vedic knowledge into the education system, aligning with the goals of the National Education Policy 2020. He remarked that the Vedas are not merely religious scriptures but serve as guiding principles for the universe.

Prof. Nrusingh Charan Panda, Dean of the School of Language and Literature and Registrar (in-charge), spoke about the significance of the sound “OM” (OMM KAR) and its profound effects on the human mind. He also noted that the art of temple architecture has its roots in Vedic Mathematics, citing a Sanskrit verse to explain the concept of infinity.

The workshop featured a series of invited lectures from renowned scholars, including Prof. Mukut Mani Tripathi from Banaras Hindu University, Prof. Avanish Kumar from the Institute of Basic Science at Bundelkhand University, and Prof. Sudyumna Acharya from the Ved Vani Vitan Oriental Research Institute. Dr. Rakesh Bhatia from Sri Oadmapad Singhania Education Centre also contributed to the session. These distinguished speakers highlighted the contributions of legendary Indian mathematicians and scientists such as Aryabhata, Bhaskara, Brahmagupta, Ramanujan, S.N. Bose, and Homi J. Bhabha, inspiring the students with stories of India’s glorious scientific past.

From the Central University of Odisha, the event was graced by Dr. Ashok Kumar Sahoo, Head of the Department of Mathematics, along with Dr. Jyotiska Datta. The workshop was convened by Dr. Sarbeswar Barik, with Shubham Padhi serving as Joint Convener.

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