Union Minister Jual Oram Reviews Odisha ST,SC Dev M&BC Welfare Dept


Focus on Skilling for Youth, Livelihood and Preserving Linguistic Identity

Bhubaneswar : Union Tribal Affairs Minister Sri Jual Oram emphasied implementation of more pro-people programmes across Odisha by the ST,SC Development Minorities and Backward Classes Welfare Department and asked the officials to stress on vocational courses to ensure livelihood opportunities and preserving the unique tribal linguistic identity.

While holding a brief on the affairs of the ST,SC Development M&BC Welfare Department at the State Guest House early this morning, the Union Minister suggested to carry out a detailed mapping of schools across Odisha as density-wise there is a disparity and said that there should be equitable availability of the educational institutions for the disadvantageous groups and communities.

Stressing on the upgradation of the senior secondary schools into degree colleges with Plus Three courses to enable the tribal students avail opportunity to have graduation so that they could compete with the other students for career-oriented examinations, he also asked to ensure coaching facilities in them for different job openings.

He also asked inclusion of more vocational  courses to enable students opt for them after Class X or Plus Two so that those, who are interested to have professional courses could choose their careers and grown independently as earning members of their families. “Let Odisha start such a skilling related initiative India as a pilot project so that we could implement it in pan-Indian scenario,’’ observed the Union Minister.

Today’s meeting was led by Commissioner-cum-Secretary ST,SC Development Minorities and Backward Classes Welfare Department Smt Roopa Roshan Sahoo. All the senior officials of the Department were present and they briefed the Union Minister about their respective domains, projects and programmes.

The Union Minister also asked the Department officials to regularly monitor the execution of various infrastructure development works in Odisha. Regarding saturation of amneties  of the various tribal and PVTG communities, the Minister directed to expediate the mapping and identify gaps.

Stressing a more detailed analysis of the operations relating to the TDCC and empowering the various tribal communities socio-economically.



While reviewing the work of SCSTRTI (SC,ST Research and Training Institute) and ATLC (Academy of Tribal Languages and Culture) the Union Minister gave emphasis on the preservation, documentation and publication of multi-lingual books so that more and more persons from the original tribal communities and others from major language users could be benefitted.

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