UNEP Praised World Oceans Day Sand art by Sudarsan Patnaik


Puri: On the occasion of World Oceans Day, internationally acclaimed sand artist from Odisha, Sudarsan Patnaik, created a sand sculpture on the sea beach in Puri with the message “Preserve our oceans”. UN Environment Programme (UNEP) tweeted an image of the SandArt with “Happy #WorldOceansDay!
Thanks to international sand artist @sudarsansand for this beautiful celebration of the occasion. “
Mr Pattnaik took five hours and six tonnes of sand to create this sand sculpture. The 15 feet wide sand art carries the theme of World Oceans Day 2021 that is ‘The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods’.
Our words need to translate into actions and we all need to take substantial actions towards protecting oceans, said Mr Pattnaik.
The UNEP has also shared the sand art in all their social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram.
It is very honoured for me to get appreciation from UNEP .
Two days before Pattnaik’s sand sculpture on World Environment Day has also appreciated by UNEP.
So far Sudarsan has participated in more than 60 International sand sculpture championships and festivals around the World and won many prizes for the country. He always try to spread awareness messages through his sand art on various social issues.

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