TP Central Odisha Distribution Ltd. gets ready for impending cyclone Jawad

Bhubaneswar: TP Central Odisha Distribution Ltd. (TPCODL), a Tata Power & Government of Odisha joint-venture, has put a detailed Business Continuity and Disaster Management Plan (BCDMP) in place to deal with the looming cyclonic conditions in coastal districts of Odisha. This has come after the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) updated that the depression over south-east Bay of Bengal is likely to form a cyclone, named Jawad, and reach north Andhra Pradesh-Odisha coast on December 4.
The plan categorizes disasters on basis of severity and prescribes an action plan, a Disaster Management Structure to systematically receive alerts, examine them, send pre disaster alerts and devise a mechanism to invoke and revoke BCDMP. To check its effectiveness at the time of need, and be in a state of readiness to respond to any contingencies, a mock drill of the plan has also been conducted by TPCODL. To ensure that power supply continues to all emergency services at all time, the company has set up special teams to handle the job. Dedicated quick response teams have been strategically placed across locations in its licensed areas.
For any emergency services consumers can call at the 24×7 call centre toll free number 1912 / 18003457122.
Preventive maintenance of equipment is done at distribution as well as consumer sub-stations. Adequate stock of essential spare parts, tools and equipment including transformers, switchgears, etc. has been ensured to minimize the restoration time towards power interruptions.
As a safety measure, TPCODL requests everyone in the affected areas not to do the following:
• Do not touch any wires or plumbing inside a building during lightning as telephone lines/metal pipes can conduct electricity
• Do not take shelter beneath tree/any temporary structure in case of heavy wind, thunderstorm and downpour
• Do not touch any Electrical installations with wet hands or without using hand gloves, safety shoes or insulated platform
• Do not allow children to play near storm drains after rainfall
Mr. M Shenbagam, CEO, TPCODLsaid, “Our disaster management teams have been working with govt. agencies to mitigate the risks before the cyclone Jawad and reduce its impact on power supply. We are taking necessary precautions to respond swiftly and effectively during such crises and ensure uninterrupted power supply.”

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