Special Campaign 2.0 in the Ministry of Panchayati Raj

New Delhi : On the launch of month-long Special Campaign 2.0 on 2nd October 2022, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj took to Twitter to reiterate the commitment to improve current cleanliness levels in the office premises, disposal of scrap/ waste materials, ensure timely disposal of Public Grievances and reduce the pendency of work in the offices.

Dr. Chandra Shekhar Kumar, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj took round of office premises in Jeevan Bharati Building, New Delhi on 3rd October 2022 and advised the staff-members to contribute to thorough cleanliness drives as part of the Special Campaign 2.0 and create a healthy work culture that values cleanliness. All the officers and staff-members (regular/ contractual/ outsourced) were advised to ensure timely and effective disposal of Public Grievances, References from Members of Parliament, State Governments, Inter-Ministerial Consultations and Parliamentary Assurances and disposal of scrap/ waste during the period of Special Campaign 2.0.


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Banners and posters on Special Campaign 2.0 from 2nd October, 2022 to 31st October, 2022 were displayed at prominent places in the office premises located in three buildings for greater awareness, widespread participation for creating a movement and environment for Special Campaign 2.0.



Prior to the launch of Special Campaign 2.0, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj vide an office circular dated 22nd September, 2022 to all the officers and staff-members (regular/ contractual/ outsourced) posted in the Ministry at three locations namely, Krishi Bhawan, Jeevan Bharti Building and Jeevan Prakash Building regarding maintenance of cleanliness in the Offices on daily basis during the Special Campaign 2.0 and beyond.

As  per the directions of Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj one more circular dated 30th September, 2022 was issued requesting all Divisional Heads to instruct the officers and staff working under them for implementation of   Special Campaign 2.0 from 2nd October, 2022 to 31st October, 2022 related to maintenance of cleanliness in office premises, rooms, weeding out of physical files, identifying scraps and redundant materials for their disposal in the offices located at Krishi Bhawan, Jeevan Bharti Building and  Jeevan Prakash Building, New Delhi.

The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has nominated Joint Secretary level officer as Nodal Officer for coordination, monitoring and reviewing the progress of Special Campaign 2.0. All Divisional Heads were advised to personally visit the office premises for successful implementation of Special Campaign 2.0 from 2nd October, 2022 to 31st October, 2022 and also to inspire other staff-members to be a part of Special Campaign 2.0.

Senior officers of the Ministry personally visited different Sections from time to time and advised the staff-members to make Swachhata [cleanliness] everyone’s business. During the Special Campaign 2.0, old and obsolete furniture/ fixtures/ electronic items/ scrapped articles, which are absolute unserviceable items lying in the office premises and rooms, have been identified to dispose off them for freeing up the space in the office for smooth functioning of MoPR activities. For successful implementation of Special Campaign 2.0, the General Administration Section has procured indoor plants, flower pots and decorative items for the Ministry.

A Committee has been constituted under the Chairmanship of Deputy Secretary level officer for disposal of all the absolute unserviceable items following due procedures of financial discipline as enumerated in GFR. As regards the progress as on 28th October, 2022, General Administration Section along with the Members of the Committee has identified around 600 unserviceable, obsolete and beyond economic repairable (BER) items including scraps and redundant materials for their disposal in the offices located in three buildings. The items identified under Special Campaign 2.0 are now being disposed off through GeM portal as per terms and conditions of the GeM portal.

During the first phase of Special Campaign launched on 2nd October, 2022 – Special Campaign 2.0, approximately 530 sq. ft. of space has been freed up in offices for productive use and the Ministry is expected to earn an amount of Rs.4,13,978/- from disposal of scrap. During the Special Campaign 1.0, the Ministry had earned a revenue of Rs.4,14,609/- as on 16th October, 2021 and freed up space measuring 970 sq. ft and 2566 no. of the physical files weeded out for smooth record management.

During the Special Campaign 2.0, disposal of Public Grievances and Public Grievances Appeals have gained momentum. As many as 617 Public Grievances received during this period have been disposed (100% disposed) as on 28th October, 2022. As regards disposal of Public Grievances Appeals, 160 Public Grievances Appeals out of the total 177 Public Grievances Appeals received during this period have been disposed (90.39% disposed) as on date. Vigorous cleanliness campaigns conducted at the three office locations of the Ministry. Adequate cleaning of office chambers of all senior officers, rooms of other officers and staff-members, sections, corridors, conference hall, work stations, furniture, wash-rooms, toilets, storage places, passages, reception areas and inside premises of the MoPR office-buildings.

During the Special Campaign 2.0, all officers and staff-members have actively participated in the campaign with full enthusiasm for the successful implementation of Special Campaign 2.0 in the Ministry of Panchayati Raj. Suggestions issued by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) have been complied with in true letter and spirit. During the period of Special Campaign 2.0, all out efforts have been made in the Ministry of Panchayati Raj to identify redundant scrap materials and obsolete/ unserviceable items, and to sensitize the staff-members for maintaining a clean and hygienic workplace at all times.

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Few innovative and best practices undertaken by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj during the ongoing Special Campaign 2.0 are as follows:


  • During the Special Campaign 2.0, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj has started productive use of the freed up space in the office premises at Jeevan Bharati Building with setting-up quiet, tidy and distraction-free Work Stations for staff-members to optimize the workspace and boost productivity.
  • The corridors in the MoPR office premises on the ninth floor of Jeevan Bharati Tower-II Building, New Delhi have been transformed into bright, beautiful and welcoming spaces with placing the green plants, flower pots and plant containers during the Special Campaign 2.0.
  • Promoting energy-efficient / energy-saving practices – switching off electronic equipments when not in use.


Shri Sunil Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj alongwith Shri (Dr.) Chandra Shekhar Kumar, Additional Secretary, MoPR, Shri (Dr.) Bijaya Kumar Behera, Economic Adviser, MoPR and other senior officers took a round of the Ministry premises at Jeevan Bharati Building, New Delhi on 25th October, 2022 to inspect overall cleanliness and review the progress made in the course of implementation of Special Campaign 2.0 in the Ministry of Panchayati Raj. He interacted with the concerned staff-members and gave instructions to dispose off all the e-waste / obsolete materials and unserviceable computer hardware etc., identified during Special Campaign 2.0 within reasonable time.


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Shri Sunil Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj interacted with housekeeping staff and appreciated their efforts and dedication for proper cleaning and upkeep of the office premises. He advised staff-members to focus on effective workspace management & creation of healthy workplace environment.

The progress of implementation of Special Campaign 2.0 in the Ministry of Panchayati Raj was reviewed by Shri (Dr.) Chandra Shekhar Kumar, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj with all Divisional Heads on 28th October, 2022. He called upon all the staff-members to practice cleanliness at the office – Clean Office and Clean Desk (no pendency of work) at all times so that sustaining the momentum of Special Campaign 2.0 can be ensured.


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During the month-long Special Campaign 2.0, all officers and staff-members actively participated with full enthusiasm and renewed vigour for successful implementation of the Special Campaign 2.0 in the Offices of the Ministry of Panchayati Raj.

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