Prof. Horlacher Leads Seminar in Bhubaneswar on Emerging Trends in Masculinity Studies from a Western Viewpoint

Bhubaneswar, 20th Sept: Bringing attention to the ordinary and minute ways in which our perspective is gendered, Prof Stefan Horlacher delivered an insightful session on the emerging

developments in the field of masculinity studies at Sikshasandhan, Bhubaneswar. The talk titled ‘Masculinity Studies from a Western Perspective: Current Trends and New Approaches’ provided a comprehensive overview of the various theoretical

approaches—ranging from psychoanalytical to sociological— useful for understanding the prevalent discourses on masculinity studies. The session formed a part of the

initiatives taken up, by the Centre for the Study of World Literature (CSWL) at IIIT- Bhubaneswar in collaboration with Centre for Asian Studies, to bring varied perspectives from the European and American contexts in conversation with the South Asian viewpoint. The talk was delivered by Professor Dr Stefan Horlacher who currently holds the position of the Chair of English Literature at TU Dresden, Germany. Prof Horlacher began by pointing out the minority and marginalized position of literature and humanities departments within larger technological universities. He reflected on how such a hierarchy within disciplines and academic spaces is also mirrored in general and broader socio-cultural spaces.

Drawing upon numerous western theoretical works, such as Lacan on psychoanalysis, Genet on linguistics, Bordieu on sociology, Butler on philosophy, Prof Horlacher outlined a composite picture of how gender comes to be performed in our everyday lives. He also discussed instances from the political rhetoric of contemporary figures such as Trump and Modi to highlight how notions of strong leadership and

geopolitical strategies foment around the display of what are considered as masculine identities. The wide-ranging talk also touched upon the intricate connections amongst the acts of violence, crimes and crises with their roots in gendered identities within

developed societies. The talk witnessed a lively discussion from the audience that comprised of academics, scholars and independent researchers. Professor Jatindra Nayak (Literary Critic & Translator & Mentor, CSWL) moderated the session and Dr

Lipika Das (Assistant Professor, IIIT Bhubaneswar & Coordinator, CSWL) organized the event.

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