Odisha: Talgur Samabaya Sangh to plant 10,000 Palm seedlings during this season

Bhubaneswar : During review of the activities of Odisha Rajya Talgur Samabaya Sangha Ltd. (ORTSSL) taken by Shri L.N. Gupta, Additional Chief Secretary, MSME today, the ORTSS authorities informed that currently they have 9,900 palm trees in the palm orchards owned by them and they have plan to plant at least 10,000 new palm seedlings during the current season.

ORTSSL has 32 active primary societies affiliated to it. In the meeting, it was decided to revive at least 10 more societies. Currently, ORTSS has a turnover of Rs.55.6 lakhs. It was decided to achieve turnover of Rs.1 crore at the end of the current financial year. ORTSS has four production centres at Bahugram (Cuttack),
Malud (Puri), Lubrising (Gajpati) and Podapada (Dhenkanal). It was decided to open 04 more production centres and 04 more sales outlets during the current financial year.

M.D in-charge Shri Chidananda Mishra, ORTSS informed that they have sent some samples of date-palmgur to Russia. Subject to their approval, they would be exporting the first consignment of talgur to Russia. It was also decided to develop a brand name for the Odisha talgur for increasing its turnover and marketing. Shri P. Jyotinath, IAS, Director of Industries, Odisha, Cuttack was present in the meeting.

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