National Metallurgist Award- 2022; Last date of Receiving of Application extended to 31st October 2022

New Delhi : The Ministry of Steel has extended the last date of receiving applications under National Metallurgist Award – 2022 to 31st October 2022. Earlier the last date for receiving the application was fixed to 11th October 2022. Application under the Award Scheme will be received via online only through the NMA portal. The web address for the NMA portal is as follows

” ”


Background of the Scheme: National Metallurgists Day Awards, was instituted in 1962 by the then Ministry of Steel & Mines to recognize and honor outstanding contributions of Metallurgists in the metallurgical field covering operation, research, design, education, waste management and energy conservation. The awards are given on an annual basis, only to Indian nationals. The first award was given in 1963 and subsequently every year thereafter. Over the years, the number of categories and the award money were revised upwards.

  1. Name of the scheme: National Metallurgist Award.
  2. Objective: To recognize outstanding contribution of metallurgists working in Iron & Steel sector covering the fields of manufacturing, research, design, education, waste-management, energy conservation and their specific contribution to achieve  objectives of ATMA NIRBHAR BHARAT.
  3. Mode of Nominations: Nominations for the award shall be invited online on the Ministry of Steel’s Portal or the centralized portal being developed by MHA. Nominations will be through companies/ organizations or from the public through self-nomination.
  4. Date of National Metallurgist Award: 3rd February every year. (It was on 3rd Feb 1959 when the then President Dr Rajendra Parasad commissioned the first

Blast Furnace of the country after independence, at Rourkela).

  1. Number of Awards & Awards Money:
S. No. Name of Award No. of Awards Awards Money
1 Lifetime Achievement Award 1 Nil
2 National Metallurgist Award 1 Nil
3 Young Metallurgist (Environment Science) 1 Rs 100000
4 Young Metallurgist (Metal Science) 1 Rs 100000
5 Award for R&D in Iron & Steel Sector 1 Rs 100000
Total   5 Rs 300000
  1. Eligibility Conditions:
Sl. No Award category Min.

No of Years of Exp.

Age Limit  (in years) Qualifications Criteria
1 Lifetime 20 Minimum: 50 Minimum: Bachelor’s degree in

Metallurgical Engineering/

Materials Science or





2 National


15 Minimum: 40 Minimum: Bachelor’s degree in

Metallurgical Engineering/

Materials Science or


3 Young




05 Maximum: 35 Minimum: Bachelor’s degree in

Metallurgical Engineering/

Materials Science or


4 Young




05 Maximum: 35 Minimum: Bachelor’s degree in

Metallurgical Engineering/

Materials Science or


5 Award for

R&D in Iron &

Steel Sector

10 Minimum: 35 Minimum: Bachelor’s degree in

Metallurgical Engineering/

Materials Science or


  1. Assessment Criteria & Weightage: Awards shall be considered only on a minimum score of 75 out of 100. There should also be minimum 5 applications for each category for the consideration of the awards:
S.No   Details Weightage
Criteria 1 Work-related achievements/ accomplishments Performance, outcome and impact in the specified line of business. 30%
Criteria 2 Service to the profession Public education and creating awareness of the role of metallurgy in India; active participation in various Industry,

Academic & Research domains.

Criteria 3 Service to society

and the community beyond the

nominee’s regular employment

Apart from technical competence, Community Services & Volunteer work carried out for redressal of socially oriented problems with the aim of alleviating the conditions of people & community in general. 10%
Criteria 4 Technical




Indicates the peer recognitions of the work carried out and published/ utilized for industrial applications. The significance and quality of such articles/ patents would be an added merit. 30%
  1. Selection Methodology: The evaluation shall be done based on two tier mechanisms comprising the Screening Committee and Selection Committee.

The Screening Committee shall scrutinize the applications & supporting documents and accept or reject applications based on the eligibility conditions and submit consolidated reports of applications for the Selection Committee.

The Selection Committee after scrutinizing the documents will assign the marks as per the set criteria and recommend the list of awardees.

  1. Composition of the Committees: The members of the Screening/ Selection Committees shall comprise only such individuals whose antecedents are known, and enjoy good reputation and there is nothing adverse against them. The members shall not be related to the applicants/ sponsoring organizations directly or indirectly.

Screening Committee: A panel of sectoral experts from industry, research organizations & academic institutions shall be selected as members of the Screening

Committee under the Chairmanship of Additional Industrial Adviser, Ministry of Steel.

Selection Committee: The NMD Awards selection Committee, is chaired by Secretary, Ministry of Steel and other members include Additional Secretary/ Joint Secretary, Ministry of Steel; DG Awards, MHA: and sectoral experts from industry, research organizations & academic institutions.

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