Ministry of Minority Affairs Advances Jiyo Parsi Scheme

The Jiyo Parsi scheme was launched in 2013-14 with the objective to reverse the declining trend of Parsi population by adopting a scientific protocol and structured interventions, stabilize their population and to increase the population of Parsis in India. The scheme has three components:

i) Medical Assistance – to provide financial assistance for medical treatment under standard medical protocol;

ii) Advocacy – provides for counselling of couples with fertility issues and publicity including workshops; and

iii) Health of Community – to provide financial assistance to Parsi couples towards childcare and assistance to dependent elderly;

The assistance under the scheme is being released to the beneficiaries through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode after biometric authentication and other verifications by the respective State Governments. Scheme guidelines is available on Ministry’s website (

The Ministry has been providing financial assistance to numerous Parsi couples under Medical and Health of Community (HOC) components and the scheme has been quite successful in achieving its objective.

The scheme provides for outreach programmes i.e. seminars, workshops, Camps, and print as well as social media measures for publicity of the scheme.

The scheme has provision for regular monitoring by the Ministry and the State Governments and also concurrent evaluation to assess the benefits and the outcome of the scheme.


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