Bangalore: Embassy Office Parks in association with Tiger 5, a sports infrastructure development and management company today launched India’s largest rooftop football arena at the Embassy Manyata Business Park. Eight teams consisting of Embassy Office Parks users faced off at the inaugural tournament held at the newly-launched rooftop arena in the presence of Mr. Jitu Virwani, Chairman and Managing Director, Embassy Group. Measuring 13,000 sq. ft and located on the 8th floor, the world-class football arena consists of two grounds side-by-side where four teams can play five-a-side games simultaneously. And if the two grounds are combined, then seven-a-side games can also be played.
Mike Holland, CEO of Embassy Office Parks said, “We are adding many facilities at our office parks to provide our corporate occupiers with increased options for their employees. This football arena is a very interesting concept and Embassy believes in providing unique experiences whether it is related to the world-class buildings at the office parks or any of the recreational or value added services.”
“Tiger 5 is very excited about the collaboration with Embassy and it has been a great experience. We feel proud to launch India’s largest rooftop football arena at the Embassy Manyata Business Park in Bangalore. The imported surface is world class and is ideal for the sport as recreational as well as professional levels. We will be organizing various amateur leagues and tournaments which will be open to public very soon”, said Rajat Bindra, Managing Partner, Tiger 5.
India’s largest rooftop football arena launched at Embassy Manyata Business Park
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