IFFCO Officers’ Association Has Conducted Election For The Tenure 2024-2027.

Paradeep: Election of IFFCO  Officers’ Association has been conducted  among their officers working in different areas for the period from 2024-2027.  The election is being held in democratic way in every three years as per the bye-law of association.  On this tenure Shri Sushant Kumar Jena, elected as President, Sh Satyajit Khuntia, General Secretary, Sh Lingaraj Mishra  Vice President, Sh Jyoti Ranjan Swain , Jt. Secretary, Sh Simanchal Panda , Organising Secretary, Sh Prabhat Kumar Pradhan, Treasurer and other elected executive members are namely Sh Ashok Kumar Patra, Sh Santosh Kumar Pradhan,   Sh Susanta Khanduala, Sh A.Srinivasu, Sh Vineet Kumar Pal, Sh Satyabrata Mohapatra, Sh Sibaram Behera , Sh Subrata Kuamr Behuria & Sh Pradumn Nagar .


On behalf of IFFCO Management, Shri K.J. Patel, Director as well as all officers have shown heartfelt wishes to the newly elected members.  Newly elected President & General Secretary along with all representatives have committed to extend their full cooperation for welfare of employees and  all around development of plant with safety and security.

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