HRAWI Welcomes The New Government, Anticipates Continued Support For The Hospitality Sector  

Mumbai: The Hotel And Restaurant Association (Western India) – HRAWI extends its warmest congratulations to the newly elected BJP-led NDA government on their victory in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The Association believes that the triumph heralds a period of continuity and stability, providing an optimistic outlook for the tourism and hospitality industries. The recent elections underscored the importance of civic engagement, a value HRAWI promoted through its ‘Pledge To Vote’ campaign. With the new Government in place, it hopes to see this spirit of participation translate into proactive support for the hospitality sector. The Association has spelled out the key issues that need immediate attention including the non-implementation of Industry Status and the granting infrastructure status for the hospitality sector. HRAWI urges the Government to expedite the application of these to alleviate the concerns of hotels and restaurants in the country.

“We congratulate and welcome the newly elected Union Government and are optimistic about the future of the tourism and hospitality industries. With the right focus and policies, India can be transformed into a tourism haven for both domestic and international travellers, contributing significantly to the economic growth and development of the country. Apart from our longest standing demands for Industry and Infrastructure statuses, we urge the Government to streamline regulatory processes to facilitate Ease of Doing business. Simplifying license procurement, reducing bureaucracy and clarifying regulations will promote growth and innovation within the sector,” says Mr Pradeep Shetty, President, HRAWI.

HRAWI has also urged the Government to revisit the existing GST structure for F&B served in restaurants within hotels which is presently linked to room charges exceeding Rs.7500/-. It advocates for uniform GST rates for all restaurants, whether inside hotels or standalone, to eliminate unfairness and unpredictability. The Association proposes de-linking GST rates from room charges to promote fair competition and ensure industry sustainability.

“In its last term, the NDA Government put a lot of impetus on developing tourism and tourism infrastructure. Hotels and restaurants play a critical role in complementing this development and needs equal attention. Any kind of disparity between the two will only pose hurdles in the achieving our aspiration of welcoming 100 million tourists by 2047 and achieving a USD 3 trillion tourism economy. We urge the Governments to continue its drive in developing tourist circuits, heritage sites and transportation networks to enhance accessibility and visitor experience,” adds Mr Shetty.

“As we look ahead, the Government’s support will be crucial in realizing our vision for the country’s tourism and hospitality sectors. By addressing our immediate concerns and promoting a conducive environment for growth, we can collectively work towards positioning India as one of the top global tourism destinations. HRAWI remains steadfast in its commitment to collaborating with the Government and all stakeholders to drive the tourism and hospitality industries forward. Together, we can harness the country’s vast potential, creating a thriving, vibrant and inclusive economic landscape that benefits all,” concludes Mr Shetty.

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