How to Write a Paper for College Quickly and Easily

Almost everyone finds it very difficult to conceive the argument of a college paper. We slump into our chairs and watch the cursor blink for hours, hoping that it will start writing on its own. Unfortunately, college papers do not mysteriously appear, and we have to put in the groundwork and careful analysis in writing good essays.

Here we will give you some of the best tips to help you write papers faster without compromising quality.

#1. Understand your Assignment.

Before you start writing, you should understand what the pertinent question from the assignment is. It would be a waste of time to write something that doesn’t answer the question. If the paper seems vague, it might be because the Professor is trying to trip you. Because of years of practice in the field, what seems evident to them might not be apparent to you. It would therefore be prudent to ask for clarification if anything seems hazy.

Asking for clarification doesn’t make you appear stupid. It shows that you care about the assignment and can therefore give you extra credit points.

#2. Research

This is the most important part when writing a paper. Research is also where most people waste their time in procrastination. Sometimes, the task at hand might seem very easy at first glance, but college writing paper responses are very rarely straightforward. In college papers, you need to demonstrate not only what you have covered in class but also beyond the research parameters limited to class discussions.

To avoid wasting time procrastinating during research, set time limits to help you in the guided study. If you spend too much time in research, you will have diminishing returns on your task. Don’t worry if your material is insufficient at the beginning. You need enough material to start with.

#3. Create an Outline

It is very tempting to forget the hierarchical outline as soon as your fingers hit the keyboard. A professor can quickly identify a hastily written paper. They lack structure and rumble through ideas.

A good outline helps you arrange your ideas before writing them down.

Re-read your assignment and write down the topics you must address. Arrange all your relevant quotes under the issues you are writing about. Think about where you will place counter-arguments.


An outline does not have to be a polished document but rather forces you to consider how you will present your argument. This framework helps keep you within the topic.

#4. Follow a Structure

Writing a paper should not be like reinventing electricity. Your goal is to complete the assignment in a way that not only impresses your Professor but in a way that answers the subject question. Your paper should not be an attempt to break new ground in your discipline. 

You can accomplish this by getting a standard structure in your discipline and stick to it. These standards are very elusive, so where do you find them? It is best to ask your Professor. Your research’s reading material can also give you an idea of the conventions followed in your discipline. Don’t focus so much on information during the study and forget about looking into the structure. 

There are also paragraph structures for a simple but quality paragraph. A body paragraph starts with a summary of the point that is quickly followed by an analysis. After the investigation, a backup sentence follows with a quote, and another analysis follows.

This is an example of a sentence structure framework that makes it easy to plug in sentences and develop them. Always support your ideas with facts and quotes.

Another option is to source sample templates from reputable universities in your field.

If this seems too advanced, you can pay someone to write your paper from scratch by professional academic writers from CustomWritings, for example.

#5. Quality over Quantity

If the final count on your paper is five pages, it is easy to write up to 7 pages. After all, we think more is better, right? This is not true. Stretching the limits of your paper ends up diluting your argument. Overwriting can be not only a waste of time but can also prove counterproductive.

#6. Drafting and Editing

Drafting and editing simultaneously can prove to be very inefficient, like all forms of multitasking. Write first with your full attention, then edit later. It is difficult to note typos and inconsistencies when writing, so it is best to give yourself enough time to finish writing and come back with a fresh set of eyes later.

Most students can perform an excellent job in writing but weaken their grades by not editing their work. Sloppy mistakes such as grammatical errors show that you did not take the assignment seriously enough to give some time for revisions.

Re-read your introduction, outline, and evidence list and check places where you can strengthen your argument. Look at weaknesses you can address in your statement and correct them.

Introduction and Conclusion

Writing the introduction and conclusion are sometimes the most significant barriers when writing an essay. To avoid wasting time when writing the introduction, write it last. The opening is ordinarily difficult because how will you introduce something you don’t fully understand and have not created? Another option is to allow yourself to throw away the introduction and rewrite it after completion.

On the other hand, the conclusion should give a panoramic view of your paper and restate ideas without sounding repetitive. Summarize the primary facts and mention key topics without repeating the ideas. You can then leave the reader with a thought-provoking sentence or question that will make them ponder more about the issue.

You finally did it! 

Writing a paper revolves around this simple writing formula. This formula, of course, revolves around the variables you intend to plug it into. Writing is not as hard as college students think.

Relax, do your research, find the relevant data and adequately organize it in the right locations to write a college paper with ease. You are now ready to tackle the dread that comes along with writing a paper.

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