Chief Election Commissioner of India, Rajiv Kumar said on Saturday that the Election Commission will publish all the details of the donors and receivers of electoral bonds within the deadline as ordered by the Supreme Court.
He also said, the Commission will act as per the direction of the apex court on voting through EVMs or ballot papers in the ensuing elections as the Supreme Court is hearing a number of petitions demanding casting of votes by ballot papers. Mr. Kumar said this while addressing a press conference at Bhubaneswar in Odisha after reviewing the poll preparedness for the ensuing Lok Sabha and state election.
The Supreme Court has recently ordered the State Bank of India to stop the electoral bonds forthwith and directed to give the list of all donors to political parties by 6th of March to the Election Commission. The judgment also ordered the Election Commission to publish all details of donors and receivers of electoral bonds by 13th of March this year.
The Chief Election Commissioner also said that the Commission is fully prepared for the elections.
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