Department of Fisheries is promoting coastal aquaculture in all coastal States and Union Territories

The Department of Fisheries, (DoF) Government of India (GoI) under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) is promoting coastal aquaculture in all coastal States and Union Territories (UTs). Projects worth of Rs.179.50 crore have been approved under PMMSY for activities including genetic improvement programme of Penaeusindicus, Broodstock Multiplication Centre (BMC) of P. monodon, construction of brackish water ponds in 1381 hectare of land and 20 shrimp hatcheries. Besides this DoF, GoI has also approved projects for establishment of 5 BMCs for development of shrimpbrood stocks to boost the coastal aquaculture.

As reported by Coastal Aquaculture Authority (CAA), during last three years, 5544 coastal aquaculture farms have been established in coastal State and UTs. State/UT wise details of coastal aquaculture farmsdeveloped during the last three years along with their locations is provided at Annexure.

The shrimp production from brackish water aquaculture has been increased from 8.42 lakh tonne during 2020-21 to 11.84 lakh tonne during 2022-23.

The brackish water aquaculture has positively impacted the Seafood Industry by increasing the seafood export from Rs.43,721 crore during 2020-21 to Rs.63,969 crore during 2022-2023. Out of Rs.63,969 crore seafood export, shrimp alone has contributed to Rs. 40,013 crores.

State-wise number of coastal aquaculture farms established in last three years.

Sl. No. State/UT Number of coastal aquaculture farms  established in last three years
1 Andhra Pradesh 2181
2 Goa 6
3 Karnataka 2
4 Gujarat 149
5 Kerala 81
6 Maharashtra 14
7 Odisha 1913
8 Puducherry 19
9 Tamil Nadu 407
10 West Bengal 772
Total 5544

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