New Delhi : Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan planted Amla, Gulmohar and Pithodia saplings in the Smart City Garden. Along with CM Shri Chouhan, Kisan Morcha General Secretary Shri Purushottam Sharma planted saplings on his birthday. Shri Darshan Choudhary of Kisan Morcha and his companions participated in the plantation. Capital’s journalist Shri Sanjeev Srivastava joined the plantation along with his family on the birthday of his son Shri Aryan. Sarvshri Prayagraj Raghuvanshi, Vivek Ahirwar, Brijesh Tiwari, Rajesh, Shamim, Santosh Rajput, Pramod Chaudhary, Awadhesh Sharma, Ekam Patel, Devendra Patel and Ramkumar Patel of Kisan Morcha also planted saplings.
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