Canara HSBC Life Insurance unveils the simplification of life insurance by young learners with ZiiP

New Delhi : In an initiative that’s shaping the future of financial education and simplification of life insurance literature, Canara HSBC Life Insurance has proudly concluded its first edition of Zunior Interactive Insurance Program (ZiiP). The 10 day program engaged a vibrant group of students aged 13 to 17 in an immersive journey through the world of financial planning and life insurance.

The timing of ZiiP was apt, leveraging the summer break when students could fully immerse themselves in the world of financial literacy without the distractions of their regular academic commitments. The first of its kind initiative by a life insurance company focused on building financial literacy, critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills. The participating kids not just gained practical experience through projects and insights but also hands-on approach which equipped them with invaluable life skills and enhanced their resumes.

ZiiP featured debates on the importance of life insurance, workshops on presentation skills, and sessions on creative content creation and social media strategy. Students also had the opportunity to interact with senior management, including the Head of Products, Head of Marketing, and the Head of the Customer Service team. These activities helped students craft compelling visuals and messages, all leading to simplifying insurance parlance.

ZiiP empowered young minds to navigate the complexities of financial jargon with the ease of seasoned professionals. The key highlight was the collaboration with the employees of Canara HSBC Life Insurance on simplifying the complex life insurance products. Together, they crafted marketing materials that spoke a language of simplicity and clarity. By breaking down complex insurance concepts into clear, concise language and incorporating visually appealing designs, they ensured the materials were both engaging and easy to comprehend. For the culmination of the program, the kids designed product literature for Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP), annuity product, and one traditional product.

Mr. Rishi Mathur, Chief Distribution Officer – Alternate Channels and Chief Marketing Officer, Canara HSBC Life Insurance said on this initiative, “Zunior Interactive Insurance Program (ZiiP), is a social experiment which was concenptualised and launched to simplify the insurance language through the lens of the 13-16 year olds. Aligning to our core mission of being ‘Promises ka Partner’ we created communication which is simple to understand with the help of the kids. By imparting essential financial literacy, including the importance of life insurance, we aim to nurture informed decision-makers and enable them to become early life insurance adopters. This initiative not only provided valuable industry insights but also fostered a culture of financial responsibility among the young learners. The enthusiastic response motivates us to develop more such programs in the future.”

Canara HSBC Life Insurance remains dedicated to promoting insurance awareness and fostering financial literacy through innovative initiatives like ZiiP.


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