Animal Welfare Board of India issues advisories with regard to stray dogs and pet dogs

New Delhi : In recent times, it has been brought to the notice of the Animal Welfare Board of India ( AWBI) that atrocities against the dogs, feeders of dogs and care givers and conflicts among urban residents are increasing day by day. This could be happening because of sporadic incidences of dog bites taking place in the cities of Delhi, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Noida, Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur etc.

The AWBI clarified that the AWBI has issued the following advisories with regard to the stray dogs and pet dogs which are available on AWBI Website i.e.

  1. Pet Dogs and Street Dogs Circular dated 26.02.2015
  2. Circular to all DGPs of all States/UTs regarding harassment to Citizens showing compassion to animals dated 25-08-2015 and 28.10.2015
  3. Advisory to initiate necessary action for rescue and rehabilitation of stray animals dated 12-07-2018
  4. Circular to all District Magistrate for effective implementation of Animal Birth Control programmes dated 18.08.2020
  5. Permission for Animal Birth Control/Anti Rabies Vaccination (ABC/AR) Programme to AWBI recognized AWOs/NGOs dated 25.02.2021
  6. Advisory to identify sufficient number of feeding spots for stray dogs in every district and to properly implement the (AWBI Revised Guidelines on Pet dogs and street dogs) dated 03.03.2021
  7. Request to initiate action on animal welfare issues dated 28.06.2021 related to reduce man animal conflict and maintain peace and harmony in the society or area.
  8. Request to initiate necessary action on the following points regarding animal welfare issues dated 28.06.2021reiterating the compliance of the various advisories and guidelines.
  9. Effective implementation of the provisions of the Animal Birth Control (Dogs) Rules, 2001 for sterilization and immunization of the stray dogs dated 01.07.2021
  10. Advisory for implementation of Animal Birth Control Programme dated 17.12.2021
  11. Request to properly implement and circulate the standard protocol for the adoption of community animals dated 17.05.2022
  12. Guidelines for use of Muzzle on Dogs and care of community dogs dated 17.08.2022
  13. Mass killing of dogs and stray dogs menace dated 10.10.2022


The Central Government has framed the Animal Birth Control (Dog) Rule, 2001 which is to be implemented by the local authority to control the population of stray dogs. The main focus of the rules is on anti-rabies vaccination of stray dogs and neutering of stray dogs as means of population stabilization. However, it has been noticed that there is lack of proper implementation of Animal Birth Control (Dog) Rules, 2001 by the Municipal Corporation / Local Bodies and instead attempts are made for relocation of dogs from the urban areas.

The  Supreme Court has in various orders specifically mentioned that relocation of dogs cannot be permitted. The Municipal Corporations need to implement the ABC and Anti Rabies Program jointly. The RWA also cannot deny feeding of dogs or creation of feeding spot in those areas where these dogs are residing. The Animal feeders/ care givers are feeding these animals from their own resources and out of Compassion. The Constitution of India has allowed the Citizen of India to do so under 51 A (g). Therefore, the feeder cannot be prevented from feeding the animals or care giving following the AWBI Advisories. Therefore, all the RWAs and Citizen of India are requested not to take any kind of adverse action against the feeders of dogs, nor to relocate or resort to poisoning of dogs or other atrocities which is against the law of the land.


Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) is a Statutory Body established under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960 (PCA Act). The AWBI is an advisory body to the Central Government and State Government and also looks after the matter of implementation of PCA Act, 1960 and the Rules framed under this Act.

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